
She does seem to have a good sense of humor about herself! I love her website’s 404 page.

Just because you can physically fit into a garment doesn’t mean the garment fits

That’s some major ego and misplaced hostility.

No way. I love my dog just as much as before I had a kid. if you can love two kids you can love a pet and a kid.


I kinda understand how you feel, because raising children is extremely difficult and is a totally different ball game, but on the other hand, I am offended when people who decide to have kids think that they’re the greatest people in the world and only the challenges they face matter. My struggles in life, even as a

Well, you may be an amazing parent (and I really hope you are), but frankly you fucking suck at one of the most basic human skills: shutting up when it has nothing to do with you.

I think your comment comes off as a bit dismissive and insensitive to be honest. Not everyone has children, and for those who don’t pets feed the human instinct to nurture, protect, care, want to sell your charge to gypsies etc...

Not to mention how telling it is that the father was willing to LET his children go to a group home if they didn’t want to see him. You couldn’t ask for clearer proof that the mother is right about him; if he gave a damn about those kids whatsoever he would’ve interjected and tried to arguing against throwing them

I’m a family law attorney, and my office has been up in arms about this all week.

I get where you're coming from, but seriously: shut up. We do not live in a world where you can run up to a smack head and just Snow White-them into being your new, misunderstood bestie. Yes, they're human. They've also broken in and camped out next to my bed while my daughter and I are asleep; not to mention kissing

This is clearly a joke-I have never in my life felt more preyed upon or harassed by men than in France. One of my friends was pepper sprayed and had her underwear ripped down in france 2 years ago before he was chased off by some do-gooder teens.

This really made me roll my eyes — I grew up a couple towns over from Colfax and it is not this ominous, hillbilly backwater that the author is making it out to be. Not everyone is on meth, not everyone is armed and looking to prey on solo female hikers. This isn’t deliverance. I get that that isn’t quite the dramatic

Just for the record, I am a college professor and I sometimes curse in class... But that’s not really the issue here - what is the issue is that the president of LSU overrode the standard protocol and process for addressing concerns with faculty in a way that undermines all the faculty at LSU and beyond. The

I’m going to go out on a limb and say there were some political vendettas at work here. This is a trumped up justification. Ain’t no grudges like academic grudges. Professors are like elephants in that regard.

If you’re going to go to the trouble to fire someone that you’ve got a bug up your ass about, why would you hinge it on them say bad words? At least plant heroin in their desk or porn in their work computer history.

I’m thinking that if her peers are bringing up the concerns, there is something else going on besides the cursing. Faculty don’t generally unite against other faculty members without good cause. But the stated reason for the firing is bullshit.

If saying “you’re a pussy” and “fuck” as an employee of LSU is a fireable offense. the LSU Tigers are going to be in need of a shit ton of new football and basketball coaches.


Yes, this. My mom did the same thing with my hair. I got married recently and when she flew out to visit, the FIRST THING she said upon seeing my hair was, “Oh good, it grew out! I was worried it was going to be too short!”