
Fucking EVERYONE is all about the cropped pants nowadays. CAN I JUST GET SOME REAL PANTS, PLEASE?!

It’s crazy when doubling the price of literally everything you sell while halving the quality doesn’t result in higher sales.

“The ENTIRE TIME WE WERE TOGETHER didn’t count!” Like they’re five years old.

For my ex holding down a job is impossible and apparently unnecessary.

Well, then it is kind of a shame you didn’t tell him that... ;)

i know, i was thinking that too. i think that’s the downside to (what seems to me like) joining two “positive messages” in one situation: 1) not all rape victims are women and 2) physical response =/= consent.

I do agree that the show did a fantastic job of demonstrating that a rape victim’s “arousal” or other physical response to sexual stimulus has absolutely nothing to do with consent, and that is something that is not generally well understood. I think that it is a shame that it seemingly had to be a male victim to make

i’m not saying it was necessary for it to be this graphic, because for me it definitely wasn’t, but i do support the creative decision to let this happen to Jamie (as horrible as that sounds). for some reason i feel like it kind of resonates with Jamie being a virgin until marriage and Claire being such a sexually

I’ll be honest with you, Kelly - it was painful. I’ve read Diana Gabaldon’s explanation for why it had to be this way, the rule of three, how it made Jamie and Claire’s love so epic and true and it was necessary for the story.

How many people thought badass Wilding woman saw one of her own deceased kids amongst that group of kid-wight zombie horrors? I thought she for sure saw her own offspring there. But it seems not everyone did. Is there a gender divide? A parental divide?

if there’s one thing i’ve learned in watching game of thrones, if you tell your loved ones “i’ll be right back,” your ass is going to die, RIP, random wildling lady.

I understood from the book, and other interviews from her, that once she was raped, she felt worthless and didn’t know if her family would still value her if she wasn’t ‘pure’. So that was one reason, among others, that she didn’t attempt to run away.

Yes, they are all cults, but it doesn’t change the fact that Smart is an intelligent person who very much appears to have a mind of her own. She has spoken out AGAINST her religion and upbringing.

I definitely recommend Jon Krakauer’s book Under the Banner of Heaven. He gets into all of the LDS-specific factors that could have prevented her early rescue, including her belief that she was damaged goods. As an ex-mo woman myself, it was completely believable and understandable.

Even the Daily Mail commenters dismissed people who said the same as you and understand why she acted that way, and her own father said that he feels the most quilty because he basically taught her to be submissive and slave to any men. And her family was full of religious lunatics who intodruced people like this who

I’m an atheist and my observation has been that Smart is one tough cookie, not some brain-washed religious freak. You might want to inform yourself a bit more about her before making another dumb ass comment.

wow, Grace goes full on passive aggressive bitch at end with the whole “well I thought you’d wanna help victims”. Like really, trying to shame someone for not wanting to talk about their kidnapping and rape?

All of Utah has rallied around her, and she’s made some very feminist public statements. Say what you want about the LDS church, but this girl has become her own woman, with her own voice.

The only dénouement involving a man falling from a building that I could have considered acceptable would have had to involved Duck Phillips and an Irish Setter head butting him over a railing from behind.

This story is GLORIOUS.