
I did not cry. I did, however, start to have one hell of a panic attack once it was time for me to walk down the aisle. As I started to wheeze and get dizzy, my father (who was walking me down the aisle) looked at me and just grinned.

Something very interesting I noticed the second time round: the first time he grabs her, she pushes him off. Then he’s angry at her for showing him up, and he goes to grab her behind in revenge, in order to put her in her place. Such a great demonstration that the men that perpetrate these acts of sexual assault

Clearly he’s a brilliant actor, but I’ll never be able to see him as anything other than Black Jack Randall now, no matter if he were to play Jesus Himself.

I think the difference here is that your policy of never being alone with a female athlete does not damage their careers. In this case, male staffers are getting an advantage of being able to get more experience because the women are being excluded. A more relevant comparison would be if you coached both male and

i don’t give a rabid cuntfuck sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I’ve always had sympathy for both of them, even when they were taking out their misery on the people around them. Don treated Betty like absolute shit while they were married, and her upbringing prevented her from doing or saying anything about it for way too long.

Tangential: a lot of you guys probably saw that study that came out a little bit ago saying that when husbands get cancer, their wives stay put, and when wives get cancer, their husbands divorce them. I work in medical malpractice law, and I’m here to tell you, that’s true. Moreover, when there’s a wrongful death,

Fucking Mr. Jennings, fuck you.

I love this story and it also reminds me of a convo I once had with my mom. She had heard some dr Phil about rainbow parties where girls would do different sex stuff for rainbow bracelets or something (was that ever even actually a thing?) and she was telling me about it on the way to school while I shifted in my seat.

My mom does stuff like that when she‘s sober. Especially when she’s playing Scrabble.

My mom passed away in 2009 from ovarian cancer. She was not the warm and fuzzy type when I was growing up—that was my dad. She and I had an odd relationship, which she tried to remedy in her own way before she died. So it’s hard to remember anything that stands out in particular. She was an efficient caretaker,

You sound like a real charmer yourself, though. How do you do it? How are you so empathetic and beguilingly sweet? I must know.


My mom is a transplanted Midwestern lady living in a small island town in south Texas. There are a lot of great stories I could tell about her (she was briefly Mormon because the only church within walking distance of her family’s farm was a Mormon temple and then she got a scholarship to BYU and, as she likes to tell

I was trying to think of a best, but I couldn’t, so I’m just going with badass-est.

The lady has a great sense of humor about the jab (and of course she’s really pretty, so there’s that). Here’s her profile photo on FB (no that’s really her FB page!)

I’ve fantasized about doing stupid things, but never actually did them, so here’s a story of why dogs are the best: My last awful breakup (I was dumped by email, of course) I was looking after my sister’s dog. I cried hysterically in bed for about 5 minutes until the 130 pound dog latched onto my shoulder and

At Tuol Sleng you literally walk across the bones of victims. They are right there, hipbones and femurs and teeth, poking though the earth as you walk past trees that were used as blunt instruments to kill children. I’m not sure how some more elegantly curated labels could have enhanced that experience.