
The rise in education costs have far outstripped inflation. That's no life enrichment toy.

You're moving the goalposts. You're saying, "it's okay that people can't afford to have kids, because maybe people should just not have kids!" Except that you're not addressing the costs or the issues associated with the costs.

I've had a few friends who worked while their husbands stayed home. And in every case, the women still did the majority of the cooking/cleaning/childcare. Because the man is considered to be doing such a great and extraordinary thing by giving up his career, he's off the hook for everything else—he watches the kids


At one point, she asked if he would consider quitting his job to be a stay-at-home father given how much he wanted a baby. "That just wasn't the plan he had in mind," she said.

Eh, I consented to the sex too (kind of? Like I didn't really want to, but eh why not), but I definitely didn't consent to him consciously taking off the condom halfway through when I wasn't looking. He even admitted to doing so. That's rape, still, I think. A dose of Plan B and a thorough blocking throughout the

Yeah, this. For a time I dated anyone who identified as non-monogamous, and felt it out from there — after a while, I chose to only date single men, because it became obvious that the partnered men I met were just fucking over their primary partners by keeping things secret, not telling the whole truth, doing things

I have seen this pattern, as I've casually dated some guys who were in poly relationships. They didn't really pay any attention to their primary partner or take care of their needs because. . .being poly means they can do anything I want, I guess. One of the guys I dated was seeing so many different people that his

Without going into excruciatingly boring detail (hearing about others' relationships is like hearing about others' dreams — I don't care), nearly every single guy I dated thought you could openly treat a woman like garbage if she identified as polyamorous, justifying it with the fact that she had a backup guy to wipe

God, law school will ruin a person. RUIN. Especially the 1L year. FUCK THAT

My first semester of law school, final exams. I was so stressed, I wasn't eating. In fact, I weighed less then than I had since middle school.

Good for your MOH.

Your MOH kicks ass.

As one who looks harmless but can be scary, I would like to shake your MOH's hand. *evil grin*

This story doesn't even compare...

Your mom sounds like a treat.

It amazes me (it doesn't, sadly) that while people may hate Pete they hardly ever attribute it to Vincent's acting abilities, whereas hating Betty means January sucks at her job. Our society in a nutshell.

Yes. It really annoys me when people decide that since they don't like a character, the actress must be bad at her job. It's like it's never occurred to them that the reason they don't like Betty is because January does such a great job of playing her. She's ruthless — she makes no effort to make Betty likeable,

Sometimes he'd say something like, "Get me the mixing bowls with the clear bottom." And I'd go, "Nuh-uh … not until 1972."

did you stop being friends with that person? cause calling the police on me is a total friend dealbreaker for me.