
Just ran that one past my Bengali boyfriend, sans context. He froze. "Did my sister tell you to say that?!"

Doing housework regularly—instead of only when you're completely out of clean dishes or the bottoms of your bare feet end up covered in crumbs after one walk through the kitchen—isn't called being responsible for someone else's happiness. It's called being an adult.

No, you lazy shithead, doing the dishes isn't some exotic woman fantasy no man could possibly anticipate. It's basic hygeine, part of being a functional adult and caring for the home you share with another person. Your wife isn't your mommy, she doesn't have to give you a chore list you can sigh and sulk about and

You know nothing about this situation, so kindly go fuck your righteous smug self. He has eyes and can see just as well as I can when the sink is full of dishes, when there is a massive pile of laundry that needs to be put away, or when we are out of groceries. Why should I ask him to do something that clearly needs

The problem I have with men expecting a reward ( of any kind) for doing household chores is this: it presupposes that all of the chores should be done by the women folk and by helping out the guy is doing something special.

A lot of men slack off once they have a slave wife to do all the drudgework for them though. I've seen this play out among several couples I know.

I was diagnosed with cancer three months after getting engaged. We had been together since high school, got engaged, and then the week I turned 25, boom. Cancer diagnosis. The kind that comes with radiation, inpatient treatment, and more than two years of constant chemo.

Seems fair enough to me.

My FIL pulled a Newt and served my MIL with papers while she was in the hospital recovering from a hysterectomy. I'm looking forward to being completely unhelpful to him and his new wife whenever he starts getting old & sick.

As someone who has cared for another with a chronic illness, it is NOT empowering. It is hard on everyone. You actually feel quite helpless when they are in pain and hurting.

I think this is more about male partners who don't even show up to pretend to help.


Check out the YA novel "Beauty" by Robin McKinley.

Eh, she deserved it for being a bitch. And really, she set herself right up for it.

I guess it says something for age standards in Hollywood movies, that my reaction to this was "Well Dan's only eight years older than Emma".



A fair number of kids from very large families decide they'll do their kids the favor of limiting themselves to 1 or 2. I find myself hoping and praying that they have some rebels in the lot.

Extreme pickiness is absolutely a dump-able offense in my book. I've never done it, but I have written potential women off because of how picky they were.

Here we go, the famous "Midwestern Butthurt"