
No, she isn't. These records were accessed before the case was filed. Should the university be able to access a student's medical records for any reason without any legal justification?

Well, as the alternative is them accessing them at any time without any legal proceedings to justify it - yes.

Sort of off topic but, I thought there was no such thing?

I need to go hug my fiancé now...

I had to leave because of the cross contamination. Like, it used to be fun, bur watching the redpillers invade unrelated subreddits because someone made a statement they disagree with and hijack the thread made it an unenjoyable past time.

I couldn't date someone like that either.

I think she might serve him nothing BUT ribs from now on...

I used to work as a riding instructor at girl scout camp. The camp's name incorporated the name of the lady who had donated the land to the girl scout council. Sometime in the long history of this camp the rumor started that the camp was named after her because she had died tragically on the grounds. Of course this

Go to the most popular temples early in the morning before the bus loads on the organized tours show up.

Yea, I was surprised that the faster bits sound more natural. The slow bits are a bit eh on the accent though.

Don't worry, everyone who attended saw that dress and thought badly of your mom.

Because they got what he wanted from women and "didn't deserve it" like he did.

Whelp, you've now put the fear of god into me. Guess what my next checkup is going to be about...

Honestly? I'd rather piss the bed...

No, the smell can be managed. Its mostly an issue of cleaning the cage/ letting them out often enough.

I agree. I want to know who her stylist is/where to get her perfectly matching extensions.

Wait, who is this? And what exactly happened?

Where I am from that's not even the point of homeschooling. People homeschool in certain places in order to prevent their child from being exposed to points of view they disagree with, usually religion. In Alaska homeschooling is a whole different animal than it is in South Carolina or Mississippi.


I am just having conversations about this issue in my relationship. I outperform him career-wise, and that is going to mean some hard choices about moving and jobs in the next year. I've already told him I'm going and I asked him if he would please move with me. His job is not super highly paid nor does it have a ton