
I'm not Asian, but I live in Tokyo. Holy shit are those Asian-fetish dudes gross.

Unfortunately I break out in the worst acne of my life every time I kiss a bearded dude, so it's a deal breaker for me. I don't mind the aesthetics, but I think being broken out like a teenager with a serious skin problem al the time would 1) get old and 2) eventually cause scarring.

That's a NOPE the fuck on out of there one.

I could not finish it. I got to her friend's reactions and I just couldn't. I probably only got as far as I did out of shock.

Yep. I've got absolutely ridiculous boobs and so does a friend I've known since high school. I saw these awful red rash looking things under her boobs one day when we were changing to go to the pool. I never got them. She thought it was part of having big boobs. So we went on this ridiculous bra fitting quest thinking

Was there another reason to show up?

Ferrets aren't rodents. They are actually in the same family of mammals as weasels. Also they are full carnivores, as opposed to rodents. They have personalities very similar to puppies.

Welcome to New Orleans.

Ferrets aren't rodents. They are actually in the same family of mammals as weasels. Also they are full carnivores, as opposed to rodents. They have personalities very similar to puppies.

There are a few restaurants that serve it here. That and horse were the first kanji's I learned so I could make damn sure I wasn't accidentally eating it.

I don't think anyone here made the argument that spending anything on a pet psychic is normal or healthy. But people who have experienced a loss or are experiencing guilt or worry generally don't always react in healthy ways.

I'm confused as to how you think she spent that entire amount on pet psychics as opposed to also including the gas for going out to that park every weekend, the posters she has posted everywhere, the cameras so put out in the woods, and the dog food she places where the dog may be able to find it.

All of these other

I mean, on one hand I get what you are saying - women don't ever get a break. But on the other hand the author clearly states that she realizes that, which I think is the gold standard of acknowledging her (past) privilege.

And you know what? I'm a ciswoman living in Japan and I have only had two incidents in the time

I would love to know this too. I used to like a series on FitTV called Inhale with Steve Ross. It had just the right length and pacing to where I didn't get frustrated and say fuck it, but it was still a challenge. Of course I moved to Japan and no longer have American TV access. If you find some good sources let me

The implication in my original response is that almost all governments who have adopted these rules did so out of self preservation and not a sense of altruism. China is not a special case.

Isn't that ultimately why EVERY country has pursued renewable resources?

Actually in car emissions - China's standards are higher. I wouldn't take any bets that there's any other standard that's higher there, but the car exhaust emissions per car have been tighter in China for a long time. It's just the sheer number of cars and weather patterns mean their overall result is worse despite

Hahaha! I missed the horse's ears when I watched the video. For non-horse people that face is a pretty classic "WTF?" in horse.

You know the more I find out about this album the more I think the "country music star" box was holding her back.

Yea. I lost my brother. It's never better. The whole world changed.