
Seriously? Divorcing someone over their nose? I cannot imagine looking at my spouse of X years whom I am pregnant with his child and going "You know this guy has loved and cared about me for years and I believed enough in our future to get freaking pregnant, but he has a different nose shape than I believed, so I'm

Yes. It is noticeably more likely to happen when I am alone.

I have never, EVER, used the "I don't want to lose our friendship" line on someone I was attracted to.

This comment has made me believe the author was a virgin at the time or writing this book...


You are my kindred right now. I'm lone in this creaky Japanese house that moves every time the wind blows - and OF COURSE it's blowing hard right now because when else would I decide to read these stories - clutching my poor cat like he's going to protect me from something rather than pee on me when it appears.

While I certainly agree that the right to marry a person of one's choosing *should* be a fundamental right, if there is precedent that actually says so I have forgotten it. Since sexual orientation has (egregiously) not yet been established as a suspect classification, I would not put any money down on the Supreme

OMG I love it!

Was it Robert Duncan McNiell?

Haha, bullet dodged!

My high school ex broke up with me because of his international travel/grad school "dreams" (despite my complete lack of interest in marriage or even dating past high school), and similarly, I am the one who has fulfilled those dreams. And I am having a grand time doing it!

I think I would have attempted to murder any child that did that to one of my little brothers, too.

I'm going to remember this one.

Excellent gif usage. Scrolling down was the icing on the hilarious cake.

Weasels are more fun. Even angry ones. They make awesomely cute angry noises.

I have a similar body type. Maybe I'm just clueless, but it's damn hard to find stuff that fits over the cartoonish curves mother nature decided to "bless" me with. Of course Kim can afford to alter every piece she owns so that helps, but I think it's still probably difficult.

I love love love this image.

That failure was on the part of the troop leader, not the program in itself. My brownie troop was exactly what you described your sister doing, but I changed troops in middle school and stayed through high school. I learned rock climbing, car maintenance (and how to hotwire a car), outdoor survival skills, how to

Im not going to call her a bully or abusive until I know exactly what tactics she supposedly used.

While I know that was a joke, I think there is some truth to it. It is inherently a defensive reaction to feeling threatened. Threatened privilege, threatened sense of self, etc. These children (because their behavior cannot truly be considered adult) were taught their whole lives that just be being white and male