Mr. Lockerupagus
Mr. Lockerupagus
Dear Americans
While I agree with you, the flip side is if your parents aren’t financially literate, it’s going to be a more difficult journey to financial freedom.
Yeah, trying for coquettish and not getting there, is my take.
It seems to just be girls doing it - it’s probably supposed to be cute and coquettish, or something. Like how Japanese girls (stereotypically) cover their mouths when giggling?
Spotted it, and I agree....he totally used ‘now’ wrong.
OK, a 30 year old here.
So, the period dolls had period undergarments. Not, like, Thinx period undergarments, but historically appropriate to their era.
Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop
I do 5/7 of that shit for my wife and she doesn’t even pay* me.
I get paid less than half of this with a PhD. Good thing I decided to devote myself to teaching (cries into instant coffee).
The reason why I am particularly concerned about DeVos is that keeping people uninformed and uneducated is how the Republicans get and hold onto power. We saw it in this election: people who aren’t capable of telling fake news from real, people who don’t realize that the ACA and Obamacare are the same thing, etc. By…
Absolutely. Pregnancy was awful for me and I was carrying a baby it had taken me years to conceive and who I very much wanted. I’ve actually been pregnant 5 times. My first child was stillborn at full term, I had 2 miscarriages, a live birth with my son, and then I terminated my final pregnancy. Because my road to…
Seriously. Students and educators have been screwed over so hard for decades already, this would be final coup de grace to public education.
I can tell you my experience as a birthmother is a HUGE part of why I am as pro-choice as I am. That used to really blow the minds of the pro-lifers. Apparently I was supposed to want to force everyone to do what I did. I wouldn’t wish this experience on someone I hate. The last thing I think is that women should be…
things they apparently don’t need: access to healthcare, treatment for std’s, reproductive education, cancer screening, contraceptives, advocates and allies.
History lesson: Remember how during WW2 the United States turned away thousands of Jewish refugees? Yea, let’s not do that again.
I have a three-year-old son on the spectrum. Honestly, I haven’t found that public facilities offered to us have been anywhere near as good as certain private schools at providing the services and support he needs. Here in Brooklyn, the public system want to ghettoize kids like him and put them in centers where all of…
I don’t see a reason to get pissed at people who want to pay for private school, as long as they pay their part for public school. More money for public schools to put towards the other kids.