And, now it’s on my Kindle. Thanks for the recommendation!
Property law can actually work in your favor here. Most places allow for ‘title by possesion’. So, you have and take care of something for long enough, it becomes yours despite someone else’s claim to it. Especially since you’ve invested money into the dog. By not seeing his dog for so long you could make a claim that…
can you chip and register the dog in your name? He’s basically abandoned the dog if he hasn’t fed, housed, paid for medical expenses over the past few years.
For many women in those days, booze wasn’t “fun” for them. There was severely rampant and brutal spousal abuse against women, oftentimes after their husbands consumed a large amount of alcohol. Their campaign against alcohol was more of a way for them to simply live. Through our 2016 eyes, it may seem like they…
Easy peasy.
I’m surprised by all the negativity - hair stylists were involved in the creation of this law, and support it. Also, there is no requirement to report, no requirement to act, no requirement to ask - it just gives training because hair stylists may well be on the front line of hearing about abuse. Women do not always…
As far as the red line of correction goes, I’m pretty sure he’s turned off spellcheck. Also grammar check. And reality check.
Apparently Charles is not in charge anymore. Chad’s wife is.
ive never understood the fascination with rand. her writing was so bad. terrible awful writing.
Tablet/Smartphone basically functionally identical. School computers are not allowed for unfettered access in most places. You can earn someone’s respect without being a bully, and that applies to kids too. My contemplation was partly their fault, as they could not afford books the same pace I was reading, they were…
My parents were the strict kind, which basically almost lead me to drop out of school, there is no way the books in a local library can be informative, comprehensive and understandable as Wikipedia and online. While rest of the friends communicate through texting, lack of phone meant, I was out of the in-group, one…
This isn’t a Christmas music problem, it is an asshole problem. There is no reason for anyone to be blasting any genre of music from a loudspeaker into their neighborhood. This woman clearly wants to annoy her neighbors.
I’m sorry about the divorce. The strange giddiness may be the relief of knowing that the doubts you may have been having about the relationship are confirmed and not your imagination. It’s no fun being with someone who would rather be somewhere else without you. Accepting that is painful.
OK, from the perspective of a professor I think that’s a seriously f-ed up situation. Why would a university ever tweet out something they thought was a real conversation about grades between an instructor and a student? Even if it’s extra credit, they’d be cruising for a FERPA violation if the convo actually…
Just to be clear, is that 76 in cat years?
I don’t do Santa with my kids, so I already come at it with a bias. But there is something about the execution of the tradition of Santa that does have some issues with socioeconomic status, which often overlaps with race, because America. A coworker the other day was sadly recalling when their kiddo asked why Santa…