
This is actually a serious issue. The Dems have gone pretty damn far left in an attempt to pulling Bernie supporters (which has largely worked, between 73 and 90% support Hillary now depending on what polls you look at). But what a lot of the diehard ultra left seem to not realize is the message the Dems would have

She reminds me of me, an earnest but awkward wonk. :(

I feel weird for liking Hillary Clinton. I knows it's an unpopular position. She reminds me of my mom in a good way.

“Dammit, Janet!”

It’s going to blow her mind when she learns that non-Hispanic people can speak Spanish and language proficiency is not solely based on race/national origin.

I’m pretty sure Cory Booker is the DNC’s plan for 2024, so it makes s sense that he keeps his Senate seat in NJ until then.

I don’t care if politicians are personally pro-life, so long as they don’t impose that on their constituents. That’s what “pro choice” means, after all.

Speaking of Catholic values, shouldn’t pro-choice progressives be terrified of Tim Kaine on the ticket? After all, he has said he is personally opposed to abortion. If you didn’t look any further, then a pro-choice feminist like myself might have cause for concern. Continue digging just one inch deeper though and

“pro life guy”

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

she is so cool though! Texting the VP choice...someone should tell her that she should just add it to her snapchat story if she really wants to be cool

I’ve been calling Julian Castro since like 2013, and I don’t like being wrong. Hoping it’s him or Warren, but it’ll probably be someone boring like Vilsack or Kaine. Blah.

It could never be Cory Booker this year. The Dem’s have a chance to win back the Senate and Chris Christie would get to name his replacement. Cant risk losing that seat.

New phone who dis?

I hope it’s me! Then you guys will HAVE to ungrey me on the Slot!

Mrs. Trump, any words?

“Mr. Trump, are you playing Pokemon Go?”

Are these their first kisses ever in life or their first days with human lips or what? Eeesh.

um, it doesnt sound like she was TRYING to have multiple sets of twins. it sounds like she is a religious woman who decided to carry her pregnancies. why shame her for that? nonsense.

it’s not really anyone’s place to tell someone what they should/shouldn't be doing with their reproductive organs