I have a History BA and I'm working on an Anthro MA. Chicago is all I know. This summer I'm taking a Criminology class and he uses APA, it's been a real struggle. Good luck!! I think it's a crime when styles change drastically.
I have a History BA and I'm working on an Anthro MA. Chicago is all I know. This summer I'm taking a Criminology class and he uses APA, it's been a real struggle. Good luck!! I think it's a crime when styles change drastically.
You are a beautiful soul. Chicago Turabian for life!!
I’m a perpetual grad student there. The food is the biggest perk to the area, hands down. Wael’s is amazing and Pho Huang is better than Pho 21. I'm excited for Fire and Spice to open because Rice and Spice was a bit of a let down.
I teach in a very poor high school and we have kids that have parents who rent cheap apartments in our zone so that their kids can go to our school and get top 7%. We know it happens but they follow the technical rules so there isn't a damn thing we can do.
So I live in the NASA area and Creek is the poor stepchild in the CCISD district and no where near as insular as Friendswood. Two factors play into the diversity, one is NASA itself which brings in a large international workforce and the second is UHCL which pulls in high international students many of whom then…
Much of that is true and when it comes to adults there isn’t much that can be done until a person wants help but I deal with teens as a teacher and there are so many interventions that can be put in place if a teenager is in an abusive relationship. Many of the victims frowns that I talked to said that they didn’t…
I am a teacher at a campus affected by one of these tragedies this week. When the news quickly spread of what they had found the first thing the girls who knew her said was that they all knew he beat her and threatened to kill her regularly. My coworkers and I have been pleading for these kids to understand that we…
I love my Pebble Time. It tracks steps, stairs, and sleep and syncs with my phone. There are tons of available apps but the baked in ones work great too. All around great gadget.
I love my Pebble Time. It tracks steps, stairs, and sleep and syncs with my phone. There are tons of available apps…
Is this a Singles reference?!? I might swoon.
Ya! Narratives are super important!
I am the Rachel. This year it got even weirder when I got hired on at the school that he and his wife work at.
I’m an anthropology grad student and I would recommend reaching out to a nearby university and see if any professors know students doing that topic of study. He could make an excellent resource or subject for a masters thesis.
My understanding is that it is just a starting point. My feeling something means nothing if I can't evidence in primary sources to support it. History doesn't allow for going with your gut until your feelings have been appropriately justified.
I think it is a science as much as sociology or any of the other human sciences. We use data gathering and statistics and evidentiary proof alongside the emotion.
The way that I have been taught in anthro classes is that we are encouraged to allow our own emotions to be bent by the experiences that we study. It isn’t discouraged to feel shock, horror, pride, or any other emotions when reading and observing others.
My grad work is very interdisciplinary and does call on us to weigh in with experience and emotion. It’s a very different type of academic environment.
I once took a history of the civil right side movement class and it was terribly stifled in the beginning because students were terrified of what words to use. Black? Colored? Negro? African American? This was the language of the primary sources but the policing of speech caused an environment of overcaution.
My understanding is that saying something along the lines of “my interpretation of the text was” is appropriate but “I feel that author was saying" is not. One implies analysis and one implies emotion.
I feel like it’s ironic.
My only objection to that is I got my BA in 2014. I am an old for sure but a late college goer.