
Yep. I was a history major for my BA and options were not welcome thankyouverymuch. As an anthro major in grad school it's verrrrry different.

As I was reading this I kept remembering a professors who told me “no one cares what you think, what does the primary source tell you?” when I was an undergrad.

Been there. I lost almost a hundred pounds by eating 1200 calories a day and working out daily. Honestly I was anorexic and I became addicted to the weight loss. Then I started teaching and grad school and lost my focus on my weight. I’m too busy to care about my calories and have no time to work out. I’ve gained it

I’m encouraged by the data but still heartbroken from what I see everyday. I teach in a poor, majority Hispanic high school and out of the 125 students I have four have had babies/are pregnant now and three were mom's when the school year started. I'm glad it's going down but it's still so many.

I saw his TWICE last year. Once solo and once on the anniversary tour. I even got to hug him and take pics. I'm massively in love.

The only credible connection between his faith and his death that I think is plausible is that he couldn't receive blood transfusions which means he couldn't have the hip surgery he needed. That led to addiction to prescription pain killers which led to an accidental overdose. It's definitely an a to b to c to d logic

I believe that there is collegiate level. I’m in grad school and compete with the Model Arab League which is very similar. It sounds nerdy, and is probably, but a lot of us get great fellowships, internships, and even careers out of the experience and networking.

I absolutely agree. We do a lot of group work in our classes, some chosen and some assigned. I focus on the idea that in life we have to learn to work with people who we don’t like, that’s what happens in the workplace.

As an almost 40 year old, white teacher I have to say that this sounds like a lot of the stuff I say to my 15 year old students. Along with suck it up buttercup, and welcome to the real world.

My school was built in the 1950s so I still have gawdawful chalkboards. Ugh. The DUST!!!

I wish I could do something like that! Teachers on our campus get reprimanded hard core if attendance is wrong.

Anthropology is not for the weak!!

I am 14 months out of a ten year marriage and it was terrifying at first but I am now more alive than I have ever been.

Do not engage. Anything you say can and will be used against you. You can’t and won’t win. Smile. Be polite. If things get even a little off or she starts to be aggressive or passive aggressive walk away. Physically leave her area. Go to the restroom, go to the car, whatever but don't get pulled in to respond to her.

Steer clear. A man who wants to be divorced will be, a man who is still married has the kind of baggage that you don't wanna carry.

My son advanced to regionals today in LD, extemp, and current events PLUS he took first place speaker points!! I’m the co-coach of my school’s team and I found out this week I get to take our kids to NIETOC inDenver next month. We are a huge speech and debate need family so from our home to yours CONGRATS!!!

Long term ethnograph use can be draining. Add in a culture that is antithetical to your own and it becomes even more so. Try and remember to avoid ethnocentric judgements and observe through as unbiased a lens as possible. (Easier said than done I know.)

I’ve tried it! It’s a hassle and getting compliance takes time. The worst offenders claim to not have a phone to drop in the bucket and then I have to confiscate it later when they have it out during class anyway. Cell phones are a teacher's biggest competition.

Sent! You can delete this now!! Good luck and hope this helps!

On the Twitters I'm @kdbarnes if you want to message me I can email you what I have.