Happy New Year Splinterfaces!

I’ve had this conversation before with high schoolers.  “Show me the evidence” is where it starts and it ends with me winning.  You are either a liar pushing the narrative you know to be false or are actually dumb enough to believe it so fiercely that you’re willing to waste time repeating things you have no doubt

Illegal Fugitive Banditos kill tons of citizens, usually via drunk driving, and you never hear about it because “Hey what does it matter that this gang banger who was driving 100mph down the wrong side of the highway was illegal? Dude stop making this political!! Someone died here dude!!!”

I’m a man. I read your article. I have no idea what it means.


Ha there have been a few haven’t there

You sound like you’re 14.

I said citizens, amigo. 

She’s neither.  She’s a reality-denying try-too-harder.

Left: “Eww OMG no you literally don’t have to support this country in fact it’s horrible but it will be like so lit af once we’re in charge Obama didn’t count.”

You are so confused.

The left is fractured beyond repair and you will get nothing - nothing - for years to come.  The establishment neocon core of the DNC does not and will not care about you leftists, ever.  They care about money and they have it.  

Obama was just another Bush or Clinton.  Guy was dumb as rocks.  Bernie or Beto time ASAp

Fake News Media is the enemy of the people.

Before long it won’t just be the Federal Gestapo Dems not getting paid, but the city-dwelling EBT users that will see their balances go to zero. What, then, will they do? Will they play nice and wait it out like good citizens or will they come to your fancy buildings and neighborhoods and start torching your cars?

Remember last time you all got your hopes up?  How did that turn out.


Bipartisan... ship? Nay, that ship has sailed my friends. Long ago. Sailed into the setting sun, catching fire and melting everyone aboard. A giant fire against the setting sun which, once set, disappears just as did the hopes of ever working with the right wingers ever again. A setting sun which, once set, leaves but

Traveling to view this thing?  Doesn’t seem like all that much enjoyment for an eternity burning in hell. 

That’s not a hockey fan. That’s an attention fan.

I srsly don’t get how a Jewish guy like Alan can support Trump aka Hitler 2.