Happy New Year Splinterfaces!

The establishment made America what it is today.  Stop it. 

My New Year’s Resolution to myself in 2017 was to consume less mindless, time-wasting media and instead focus on improving myself. Happy to report that I did not miss my Netflix subscription at all and that visiting a local bookstore and chatting with the employees is a much more wholesome and fulfilling experience

So much this.

Rudy Giuliani released six 911 suspects detained in New Jersey a mere six hours after the towers fell and buried all information related to Urban Moving Systems.

The shutdown won’t end until the Dems on furlough start showing up at their congresswomen’s office and demanding they cave on The Wall. The shutdown doesn’t affect Trump, his base, or anything beyond a few registered Dems paid by the government to do nothing all day.

Take it you haven’t bought one before.  It really does help. 

Horrible and yet... still so much better than the lands from whence they came. Says a lot about what it means to be a refugee. Says a lot about what it means to be American. Says a lot about humanity itself.

Bernie lost to Hillary. Hillary was undermined by coordinated international espionage led by The Kremlin which discouraged Bernie supporters from voting for her and also swayed large chunks of the Midwest with Facebook agitprop.

Those are pork ribs in the headline pic, not beef.  FYI. 

Bernie lost.  We’re winning.  If you want aboard this bus you need to kick that bad Bernie habit.  Otherwise don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya, capiche? 

Not this again.

Lil Women.  Great Flick.

Ha.  You are trying to put this on Obama?  Good luck.  See, this is so typical of your generation.  Just burn the past and forget how you got here.  The DNC should never have given Bernie a platform to spread his unique brand of confusion.  

The Bernie effect lingers on...

Bernie literally taught a bunch of collegiate political newbs how to “hate the establishment” and that anything not him was the establishment. 

There’s no rift, that’s a rightwing demoralization psyop. Even the Bernie Bros acknowledge that Bernie lost to Hillary fair and square and that even had he won he would have lost to Trump. Took two years but we’re finally square.

No, he’s just saying that the Targeted Shutdown targeted Democrat voters that will be burning down their congresswomen’s phone lines.  Trump can sit there and do nothing and end up winning, again.

A notable part of the problem.

This is a good first step, but we must do more to end the cultural and theocratic violence against women that is popping up in many of our non-incorporated,self-isolating and self-governing communities of recent immigrants.

All I said is that a high grade fever is more indicative of a bacterial infection than a viral one. That’s my entire case which coincidentally is just a simple fact that you tried to argue against, found yourself entirely wrong, and are now desperately trying to extrapolate arguments I didn’t make from the original