Happy New Year Splinterfaces!

All I said was that a high fever is more indicative of a bacterial infection than a viral one. I did not say that viral infections cannot cause high fevers. You are saying that in a weird attempt to walk away from this encounter not having been totally wrong.

Scrasto6 beat me to it, but good opening sentiment. Esp stocks =/= economy.

Yeah, back when she was a country megastar. 

“flu like symptoms”

So you spent a couple minutes googling and decided to use an article that makes no mention of the differences between high and low grade fevers nor what is more often to be found as the reason for each? What a waste of time.

A high fever is more indicative of a bacterial infection than a viral one duh.  This is like Doctor Stuff 101.

So what are you saying, that he should have been flown to the Mayo Clinic for comprehensive screening and diagnosis? The evidence of a bacterial infection is the 103 fever duh.

Time to move on from the 90s divas.  T Swift is over.  Beyonce is over.  Janet Jackson is over. Literally just sitting here listening to Whitney Houston wishing all the new talents didn’t suck so bad rn.

Should have given his entire extended family including friends and friends of friends immediate citizenship and then had him protest in front of the White House while dying in front of the cameras for effective viral content to use against this administra god dammat it was her turn HER TURN!

You prescribe antibiotics to kill any potential non-viral disease that could be causing that high a fever duh.  If it’s viral you just treat the symptoms, hence the inclusion of fever-reducer ibuprofen duh.

I’m surprised they aren’t using them for medical experiments.

Seems like a game of hot potato between the parents of the child and whatever CBP is.  Parents are winning so far!

I could do it pretty easily, even The Wall he tweeted made of individual 75 foot high spikes. Then again I’m in perfect shape and treat my body extremely well. Pretty sure I could take a punch to the stomach from Kimbo Slice. Pretty sure he’d hurt his hand too. One-handed pullups are no longer strenuous and it’s

Elections have consequences y’all. Stacey Abrams shoulda won but they cheated. Oprah even said it.