Threepeat of shittiness. That puts me right up there with some of the most evil people ever to have walked the planet. Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.
Threepeat of shittiness. That puts me right up there with some of the most evil people ever to have walked the planet. Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.
Update: Parkway fired Feaster as head ball coach.
Like I said, she’s lucky you didn’t get injured.
touching /= control
I think you’re probably pretty cool anyway. I even gave you a star.
If you can get 100k, I’ll consider the possibility that I’m awful because of an internet taek.
I’ve got maybe two asshole friends (one is only borderline, hence the maybe). The rest are some of the most caring and empathetic people I’ve ever met. Be nice.
lol yeah, your response made me chuckle, so I went back and gave the other post a read.
Honestly, being compared to nutty dog lady is the only thing that made me feel kinda off. That lady is in the wrong, there’s no way to rationalize her behavior.
That said, I also don’t think you should put her name on the internet…
I think they know who I am, that’s why we’re friends.
I didn’t say anyone was “the problem.” The most I’ve done is point out that cursing at and insulting someone who hasn’t done anything close to that to you and who isn’t threatening imminent harm or spewing bigoted nonsense is maybe inappropriate and certainly not the best way to counter an argument.
There you go again. Send me your address; I’ll send you a book about how to have discussions with people without using fallacies.
I read it. I wouldn’t defend that lady. Her dog should be on a leash. She’s lucky you didn’t get injured.
P.S. I’ve trolled a few folks in this thread, but, for the most part, I’ve just been genuinely curious about why this unwritten rule makes sense in the context of everything we know about property rights and…
I’ve been to many baseball games, but I’ve never even attempt to grab a souvenir ball. Brian McCann hit a homer right at me a few years ago, and I just sidestepped right out of the way and let the folks behind me scrap about it.
Two reasons for that:
1. The ball is just clutter.
2. I’ve seen too many people injure or…
I liked the end of your post. Stating that I’m a slack jawed, apelike philistine is unnecessarily harsh. I’m none of those things (maybe apelike, but I guess all of us technically are).
No. Your wallet is your property. Losing your property doesn’t give someone a right to claim it as their own. A ball batted into the stands is no one’s property until it is controlled by a person in the stands.
A handful of very close ones. Are you interested in becoming friends, or where you just asking because you think no one would want to be my friend?
Yep. Human garbage because I’m asking why it makes sense to attempt to ruin a man’s life over a baseball.