Triple O

We can arrange a meeting if you’d like. Let me know.

I’ll never surrender. This is my hill, and I will die on this hill.

twice that age

I will not.

I’m not upset. Plus, you’re the one capitalizing words for emphasis.

Only child. “Successful” professional. My mom continues to be very proud.

Respectfully, your analogy isn’t a very good one. The food on the table is my property, since I’ve either purchased it or otherwise exercised physical possession and control over it. A ball batted into the stands is the property of who ever controls it first.

All the time, actually. I also volunteer 200-300 hours a year. I don’t go to church, though, so I guess none of it matters in the end.  

I’m not reading all that. Please summarize.

I appreciate your response, and that you understand the point of my posts.

2015 or 2017?

You don’t know who I am. All you know is that I’ve questioned an unwritten baseball rule and why people who are displeased with what they believe to be this man’s abuse of someone think it’s ok to abuse him in return. If that’s enough to make you think I’m an asshole in need of improvement, I guess you’ve got a right

Re-read my comments. They are addressed to why this unwritten rule of baseball fandom even exists. The great majority of my statements are questions addressed to why the rule exists and why it’s ok to abuse a person because you think they abused a person.

I don’t believe I’ve thrown my support behind the guy. Of

Ah, you deduced that from a thread where I expressed a different view point without insulting anyone while calmly enduring a stream of insults like yours?

As I told someone else, feel free to meet me on the corner of Connecticut and I in Washington, D.C. Just name the date. We can grab a drink or something so that

Two years later, and you haven’t put forth any cogent, non-abusive points to counter my argument.

Fortunately, I’ve lived a pretty charmed life to this point. I’d imagine that, if there is such a thing as karma, it’s more likely that bad things would happen to folks like you who wish evil on others.

1. I haven’t talked shit, just expressed a different opinion.
2. I expressed my opinion without insulting or cursing at anyone, not sure, then I get lectured about being a bad person by folks who resort to insults and cursing to express a different opinion?
3. If you want, you can meet me at the corner of Connecticut

I appreciate your thoughtful response, though I’m perplexed by why yours and the flurry of other responses to this post from 2015 happened.

Fun fact, last I checked Bradshaw still has the Louisiana High School javelin record.

What kind of flag football game was this? Half the dudes don’t have any flags that I can see. The one pair of flags I saw was almost completely covered by a jersey.