Triple O

Shhhhhh you are fake news!


Yup. My bad. At least I called him Walter instead of Ira like I usually do when I have an opportunity to tell this story.

The imagined POS quote reminds me of a story that Walter Loos, Jr. told about MJ. Walter was MJ’s favorite photographer and took some of the most iconic images of MJ. Apparently, Walter and MJ’s relationship was so good that MJ didn’t mind him hanging around, and he spoke freely around Walter.

I feel like there should have been a third thing to be aware of: Gretzky is number one.

Red bottoms are for hookers.

How’d you leave out the “don’t watch us play this year”clip?

I meant are you seriously fact checking a story from 2013, especially since most of us who read it at the time knew they published the Putin denial as well?


The baseball hall voting is trash if Pudge, who essentially admitted steroid use, and Bagwell, who everyone seems to assume used steroids, get in over Barry Bonds, whom I believe to be either #1 or #2 on the list of all time greatest humans to hit a spherical object with a stick for a living.

Isn’t it already a parody of basketball?

How in the world did he screw that up 😂

I don’t understand any of these jokes, but I’ve never watched Star Wars, and I’ve been stuck in the Dubai airport for the last 9 hours. This came in very handy.

I don’t understand any of these jokes, but I’ve never watched Star Wars, and I’ve been stuck in the Dubai airport

1. The follow-up e-mails that the Browns received don’t mean jack. That’s standard fare for any job seeker/networker worth her salt. “Nice to meet you, would love to stay in touch, blah blah blah please remember me.”

93 definitely pulled the snapper down. Plain as day.

Yes, I understood it.

lol sounds like you really care

They are symbols of membership that members can dispose of as they please to their descendants or anyone else. You keep skipping right past the part about the members. Only the members get them. It doesn’t matter who a member might have passed it on to. Only the members get them.

What’s the grey area, though?

Again, why is the rule bad? Family members aren’t inducted into the Hall; players are. Players who live to see the day they are inducted into the Hall get certain things. The Hall is doing family members of those who aren’t that fortunate a courtesy by even providing a plaque...