
There’s some desperate obsession here with predicting doom. Yes, 2008 was a seminal economic event, but crying wolf every time auto loans blip is insane. The two are not correlated in a meaningful way!

I’d take a 300k mile 997 over a 100k mile 996 thankyouverymuch.

The entire season had questionable calls by Masi.

Dear Bernie,

Now playing

Next time, check buoyancy before letting go.

Ok Celine Dion, you’re up

Don’t we already have a scripted F1 show that prominently features Daniel Ricciardo? Is Drive to Survive going to Hulu?

Is that seriously a question?

Saying the championship was handed to Max on a platter is disingenuous and disrespectful.

Steve Urkel and his Isetta

The Dude’s 1973 Ford Gran Torino from The Big Lebowski.

This is the one.


yeah....solid pass on that one, boss. the cars arent nearly where they should be to be making this big a song and dance about FE, that qualifying is some hot fucking garbage, and the street circuits. ALL THE DAMN STREET CIRCUITS. i’ll watch the highlights of when the shit hits the fan, but otherwise........solid meh.

I... I just... can’t. I already don’t like street circuits, add onto it the slow and quiet Formula E cars and it’s just not the same, man.

How ‘bout no.

The cars just quietly whirr around the track. It’s so dull.

I’m not sure what he’s complaining about here.

Ordering a car you have never driven is in line with another rule I have, which is to never buy a new car in its 1 year of production.