
I just put the bags on the passenger seat (when it’s empty) and attach the normal seat belt. The lap belt portion holds most bags, drinks carriers, etc. in place.

Built by Italians, and get its parts from Marshall... Nothing will go wrong. Who cares, no one is watching.

The thing I like about BAT is that in the comments you can usually find at least one person who’s some kind of expert or current owner of that model that will drop some interesting history/info or ask the seller really good questions or just tell some cool story. Makes the auctions a lot more fun and educational and

I want some other competitor to offer HotWheels cars or something like that and count them towards their sales volume.

To clarify, Lawrence Hodge just recapped a story from another site, messed up the basis of the story (the fed’s aren’t suing Walker over the pennies), and this was a story that first cropped up in March 2021 (

What are the chances every one of those coins was stolen from customers’ cars?

Protip: Coinstar won’t charge a fee if you convert those coins to gift cards.

more importantly, did Flaten get to keep the wheel barrow?

If anyone feels like leaving a google review:

Killdozer he is not.

Maybe I’m just being a pessimist, but I think the complete opposite is just as likely. Regardless of all the aero improvements that should make the cars pass better, there’s always a good chance that one team has some random thing figured out on the new package that nobody else does, and it gives them a huge edge.

Smokey, this is not Nam, this is bowling.  There are rules.

If you’re the type of person who reads the fine print perhaps you don’t deserve to own a Tesla.

This sounds like a bargain for a huge event.

It would be great if there was a great racing venue in the greater Los Angeles area but temporary solutions are more palatable to the NIMBY crowd.  

This is essentially a repost bro.  The only significant change is you added the photo of the ‘wall of water’.  I like to call them waves.  You lauded the incredible images and gave one lame one.  Just saying.

Narrator voice: It was definitely the same.

Obvious troll is obvious.

And zero tolerance is fucking stupid.  Not many things are so cut and dry; things need nuance, and one of them that needs it the most is the application of the law.

The grille seems to have survived relatively intact.