
Touré doesn't come across as an adept interviewer or even very bright in that exchange. "Do you like teenage girls?" is both ambiguous and not remotely incriminating considering 18 and 19-year-olds are 'teenagers' as well as legal adults. If he was going for 'gotcha' he should have just asked "Are you attracted to

As underwhelming as the finale was and how generally anemic the overall season turned out I truly enjoyed some of the names AV Club commenters came up with for Jadis. Here's a few of my own, feel free to add yours:

I mentioned this somewhere downthread but it seemed Michonne and Rick were unbelievably neutered in this climactic episode. Rick essentially lets the anemic Garbage Sh*tlord get the drop on him — he never even tries to resist her and he's armed — and Michonne just lets herself be verbally cuckolded by her without

Ha. Besides making a small collective of people astronomically wealthy, Twitter essentially seems to function as a clearinghouse for displaced rage and projective identification. The virtual 21st century therapy couch for the masses. And for celebrities selling stuff.

I give a lot of credit to Chris Hardwick. As host of The Talking Dead he manages to bring a lot of levity and enthusiasm to the roundtable each week even as I'm sure he's savvy enough to realize the fireworks have gotten pretty underwhelming. Not to mention he shills TWD merchandising with a good deal of humor and

"The blonde woman could have just shot her too".

"She's been through the same apocalypse Michonne has. If they want to say she's a match for her in an unarmed fight, that's far from the most preposterous thing in the episode."

A few more stray observations —

Deus ex tigris.

Indeed! For all it's thinly veiled budget chicanery at least the 'Fly' episode of "Breaking Bad" was sort of interesting.

I think the insult of insults, echoed by many of the comments here, is that TWD's showrunners seem to think the audience (us) is either too dumb or too enamored to realize we're being carpet bombed each week with low-wattage backstory we're barely connected to — no disrespect to the zero calorie love triangle between

"I don't think I for one would be so nitpicking if this show would just give us a little respect."

I'm starting to realize that I have a codependent relationship with this show. You know the kind of long, mindless and soul-killing relationship where you finally understand the gaslighting, misdirection, lack of growth and emotional dishonesty as toxic to your own well-being but your cowardice and emotional

Yes, it does seem as though the writers are getting lazy with their set pieces of late. The Saviors don't seem that formidable, the Garbage Pail Kids seem farcical and even the zombies have lost their mojo.

I have to agree, boomer! If you're not going to use them then just leave them in the truck when you make the exchange with the Saviors, of which this particular group looked like Coachella roadies.

;). It's like "My Dinner With André" with zombies.

I hate to come back here each week and comment on how slow this series is moving but damn. And I appreciate tension and pacing — the Coen brothers are masters at it — but these eps are like weapons-grade Unisom.

By "fun" do you mean fun at parties or "fun" like eating your liver or talking a chronic masturbating cellmate with dissociative identity disorder into suicide type of fun? If the latter, then yes.

As a counterexample I think of Dr. Hannibal Lecter in 'Silence Of The Lambs'. Anthony Hopkins was a not especially fit, 55-year-old middle-aged man, but his portrayal of Dr. Lecter was so malevolent, deadly and sociopathic that we buy the idea he has to be harnessed in a straitjacket and body strapped to a gurney

Yes. I'm opining more that the portrayal of Negan, for all his psychotic, murderous treacheries, doesn't seem (to me) fearsome enough to keep a small army of equally psychotic heavily armed men from just shooting or overpowering him and taking all his cool apocalyptic stuff.