
One observation I'd make about Negan is that his brutality was well-established in the opener when he mercilessly bludgeoned Glenn and Abraham to death. In that introduction we as an audience (imo) wholly buy into the notion that this is a character who might inspire unwavering servitude and mortal fear in his

Charbroiled Doctor sure didn't move much when he got tossed in the spit. I've slow-smoked briskets that've wiggled more than that.

I think a seasonal ark is a great idea. Load it up with all the survivors from each season (minus Gregory) and set sail for a new world. Maybe Cabo or Puerto Vallarta.

I've watched this series from the beginning. I won't bother delving into the peculiarities of the plot, new groups, adversaries or characters (Garbage Dump Bondage Zombie and GrungeBob SquareBangs), etc. but will say my single biggest gripe over the past 4 or 5 seasons is just how damn slow the story moves. I mean

Yes. ;)

George is Martha's fictional husband in "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?"

Or she could have introduced herself like an adult and actually experienced some growth.

My workaround for all this internal handwringing is I treat everybody, and I mean everybody, absolutely the g*ddamn same and then see where it takes you. Makes evaluating people a whole lot easier. ;)

"As someone quoted Roxane Gay earlier, "When you are a woman who doesn't fit the traditional beauty ideal you know that look men, mostly give you. It's painful. And constant."

If you're genuinely curious you may enjoy reading some of Masterson's theories of the false self.

I'll give Ms. Dunham credit, with one ridiculous public comment she somehow managed to bake all the current sacred cows of the pop-cultural zeitgeist — 'feminism', intersectionality, political correctness, body-shaming, racism, entitlement, rape culture, cultural appropriation, white privilege — into one bubbly,

I don't remember the ep where his bike was stolen…

Could be. ;)

Yes, they've been foreshadowing poor Glenn for some time now. Curious if they'll stray from the comic with his fate.

Yes, it's certainly inferred that's it's Negan's group. Although it's interesting that none of the men in the compound or the rescued Hilltopper's made name reference to him. And the only source we (the audience) have that it's Negan's compound is Jesus. Unless I missed something!

I thought the John Carpenter touch was delightful.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled… ;)

You know, it's very likely that those weren't Negan's Saviors but some other group that Rick and his people slaughtered. It's just as likely that those photos on the sleeping mens' wall were of men from their own group whose heads had been smashed in by Negan.

I saw a lot of foreshadowing for Glenn in this episode. Comic book fate aside — and I'm not so familiar with the comic — it doesn't appear good for he and Maggie going forward. I'm curious how the show will decide to resolve this.

I'm generally not a fan of breaking the fourth wall in drama to frame or editorialize, especially when the drama is already of such high character on its own. I fast-forwarded through the first couple interviews but watched the last few and though I found myself wondering if there was a better place for them — Before