And we can call it: Sim Barsanti.
And we can call it: Sim Barsanti.
As someone who was already a movie star before the MCU and whose appearances in them are primarily of the famous-actor cameo sort, his status isn’t really changed by the Marvel franchise.
On the other hand, the MCU is the closest we’ve gotten to reviving the studio age, with actors signed to 7-picture contracts, with mandatory promotion cycles, and a PR department invested in maintaining the actors’ public reputations as Marvel characters even in the downtime between releases.
Cazale was amazing in that run, but I think most people would describe his as an ‘actor’ before they’d describe him as a ‘movie star.’
His wasn’t the marquee name and his reputation was burnished by stage performances as much as movies.
“Like and subscribe to watch Act II!”
I think it’s too late by half a century to really approach trenchant.
HST wrote already 2 years after Easy Rider:
Too old and too much plastic surgery.
I really don’t think he uses it as morality shorthand, it’s just a poor argument.
Your first assignment: triple the badge-applicator staff.
Yeah, the point of logo is not really that you ‘read’ it, it’s that it becomes visual shorthand replacing the name. No one can ‘read’ the Toyota logo, you just know what it stands for.
Anyone who thinks the old logo was any good is missing that point.
By math 2019-2008 = 11 years
2 x <4 years = <8 years
(unless he can turn a profit from it)?
Medium talent? You mean, like, Chevy Chase?
If they had to, the way to do it would have been to have David S. PUmpkins simply appear out of nowhere in an otherwise completely unrelated sketch, like outside the window or hiding in a closet (and definitely shouldn’t have spoiled Hanks’ presence, obviously).
Given that most of their dealings in the US involve posing as job creators, demanding enormous tax breaks, and a blind eye to environmental impact, only to deliver next-to-nothing, I’d say they’re actually really on-brand.
Oh no! How... how long have I been here?
I thought anti-Pratt started when he started doing Jurassic Parks and everyone went, “oh, so you’re just going to keep playing this exact same d-bag over and over again, huh?”
Meanwhile the pre-Gawker AVClub was fully on the RAF Fapaway.
There’s a nonzero chance the Tory party, in a desperate bid for approval and because they have no viable leader, vote Larry the Cat as their next leader, so... yeah.
It’s a little more grating when they put it in quotes, twice.
Don’t know about you, but I read it in a ‘I have opinions on that, but I’m just not going to get into them here’ voice.