So sorry. I so missed just hearing puppy snores and just that presence that was always there, just gone. Now crying with you.
So sorry. I so missed just hearing puppy snores and just that presence that was always there, just gone. Now crying with you.
Ugh, bossman had our delivery driver (POC) pick up his trump signs for him. They were promptly stolen. But wait! He has video of the thief! So, our Sheriff’s department had to come in and spend two hours trying to figure out who it was. I’m surprised the FBI didn’t get involved. No idea if the person was caught,…
I learned to say nauseated, rather than nauseous, from Big Bang Theory. Thanks, Sheldon!
I will never forgive Gore for the path he put us on. Ever. I put all the wars, economic crises, and stupidity right at his doorstep.
Good point. She has to watch every damn thing she does and has to look good doing it.
Yeah, you really have to wonder why they need to give us constitutional rights to solar power when we already have that right...shady effers.
And NO on 1!!! That is such a freaking misleading amendment. Yeah, let’s give the utility companies more power against people trying to be environmentally responsible.
Ugh. My brother is supporting Trump. It’s embarrassing. He just “can’t vote for Hillary, so I’m going to vote for the first time ever for Trump”. I don’t know whose Kool-aid he drank, but my head nearly exploded.
Yes, it is so shocking that someone would think to do that it freezes you in your tracks. What you really want to be able to do is send a flying elbow into his eye.
Yeah, me too! In front of the CEO at my company party. Pretty embarrassing
That’s my anniversary, and we would totally do this!
Like it’s a good thing...
Is this like a code red?
That the one! PlayDoh is super-helpful during a flood, dontcha know.
Me too! Trumpettes are frightening. However, one d-bag in my neighborhood took the time to put up Trump signs on wood light poles about 20 feet up so it would be hard to get them down. I’m thinking paint ball is public property.
She’s not wrong, unfortunately.
My first thought as well. That doesn’t look to joyful to me. Her body language looks like shame.
It’s like Voldemort.
Well said and so, so true :(