Yes, this crap happened to me too - at fourteen years old. Some perv behind me at a concert reached between my legs and grabbed me. My friends gave him a beatdown, but still. How do guys think this is OK?
Yes, this crap happened to me too - at fourteen years old. Some perv behind me at a concert reached between my legs and grabbed me. My friends gave him a beatdown, but still. How do guys think this is OK?
So, so tiny
You can look. And it’s a wonderful thing.
That made me nauseated. Gaaaaaaaaa
Sisters was really funny. I didn’t like Bridesmaids either, but Sisters surprised me. Love Tina Fey, but wasn’t crazy about the last one with Amy Poehler (Surrogate, maybe?)
Used to get mail for Marshall Mathers and didn’t know who he was at the time. Nothing private, just magazines, but it was pretty funny when I realized.
What’s messed up is that he didn’t get into the school. He crashed into a fence outside of the school and shot kids on the dang playground!
No, not at all.
No, not at all.