
I agree that it's better to stuff it into an index fund. Here's a idea, beach, bride and groom attire(wedding dress and suit if they want,) rent chairs, a trellis, decorate trellis with a nice silk floral length from a craft store, minister of chosen faith or non, craft table with wine and finger food (cheese and

owning no more then 100 objects... let's see... house, car, bed, pillow, toothbrush, dental floss, washrag, towel, toilette paper, brush ... that's 10. A whole 10%. No. Wouldn't even try it. I like my things, including my books, tvs, mp3 player, music equipment, etc.

California and Washington have used car lemon laws. I'm sure more states do. Example of CA used car lemon law:

Didn't expect that. Good advice. The other foolproof way is to switch companies. If you get turned down for a raise you'll probably be offended and start looking anyway. Don't put in your notice until you land the next job. And better yet, don't ask for that raise until you land the next job. If they say no, then you

The fastest way to gain weight - go on a diet. I recommend the doc on Netflix _Fed up_. Recommending fasting to lose weight is massively misinformed. Try the doc. You can go to Netflix and sign up for a limited time for free, to view it, then cancel the account.

Oh yes. I got my mother passed check books in 2000. Her bank didn't even give her a debit card - I had to go in with her and tell them we weren't leaving without one. I helped her the first few times at the store, and even showed her how to get gas without walking in. She hasn't looked back. She's seventy something

Too much like cubicles at home for me.

Coolest thing I've seen in a long time. Thank you.

ha, and leave my peeps stuffed toy behind that I put my head on. Naw. It's either going to be a small pillow I bought for valentines that is stuffed so well it never went flat and I've had my head on it tons of time, or that insanely stuffed 9"x5" peeps toy that doesn't let the foam inside go low even with a lot of

I'd get poptart crumbs on it in the morning. hahaha. For each their own.

It's also kind of sad that this guy is an artist and opted for no color. I mean, sure it's nice to look at for about 1 minute, now let me out before I have to break out. Utterly yuck.

Exactly. Most of us use our desks. I would be in hell if I took my external office size fan, heater, my plastic water bottle, 2nd laptop, cell phone, usbs sitting on my desk - one for booting ubunto if I have to go find something like braindumps, my kleenix, etc. away. Fine for this guy but I'll pass. If it ain't

@TeddyBonkers It's quite common for Europeans to save all of their money and buy one expensive outfit(usually designer) and wear it all the time. They would have more if they could afford it. It reminds me of people in LA who go into serious car debt to keep up with the jones who are everyone else there without

In otherwords we value function over formality. It hasn't hurt us economically, compared to the world. We're still the main inventors.

I ended up just getting audio books and putting them on while I play video games or drive. It's rare for me to buy a physical book now a days because I doubt I'm going to sit down and read it.

It was as Arpanet.

Having worked in many datacenters, I can tell you that you will absolutely come across many screws that others leave stripped for you. Most of us know how to _not_ strip a screw. I'm glad to get tips on getting out the screws that have been stripped.

Yes, I got Netflix and Hulu for my family. We also switched from Sprint to Virgin to keep our phone numbers and saved $80 a month - I have 4 cell phones I'm paying for. Doing the card thing is transparent to the rest of the family because it gets called in a week early and the phones always just work for them. For

#1 beyond anything else. Find 1 thing and sell it on ebay. A necessary skill if you're going to be cutting out things because you don't have enough money.

The most important is not to have all the same passwords. Your bank should have a password you use for nothing else. Don't make all of your email passwords the same and definitely don't use your email passwords on any site. People can hack that site and get into your email with the site password.