
Come on, tell us how to hot wire a car now? I would want to know that if I were ever in a survival situation, I mean other than driving to work on 405.

Excuse me but I just got back from West Africa and I have to go get my ebola test results, want to come? Or maybe tuberculosis results after helping the homeless. Or perhaps meningitis results after finding out someone you drove around had it.

I ran into the exact same thing tiling at my house. Too bad the builder couldn't have watched this video to square the walls perfectly.

I have a friend who is a professional photographer and when he was starting, at his first exhibit where he was selling photos a woman sifted through all of his blowups of photos and then said, "Well I guess you just can't take a bad picture of this state."

My personal insight is the companies I worked for who required a dress code have folded and the ones who are find with jeans and tennis shoes are still around - oh and dominate the computer software market.

Okay, I worked in IP TV for 7 years. We used flat screen TV's for all of our monitors. I didn't even know they were tvs when I first started, I just happen to finally take a look at the back of mine. Think high resolution, as big as you want and for only a few hundred dollars. When I went to get a monitor for home I

Too bad I'm not at home to tell you Exactly what the Flat Screen TV I bought for $120 specs are. Seriously, you guys aren't REALLY blowing your money on monitors that do way less that tvs that not only have the better resolution but everything in the back - hdmi etc. and cost way less than monitors. Come on people, do

Yes, I've had things like that too. The strangest I got was speaking to a dev about an error in his code and he started to tell me that he could see it was a very "emotional" thing with me - and I was actually rather stone cold and un-emotional. I said no it isn't and then he said he could see I was abut to "cry" -

I'm pretty sure that's the point of the article. Note the last sentence.

I doubt you'll last long if you open your mouth in any modern office that has women doing the same jobs as the men. You probably want to keep your bigoted responses to yourself less you be fired for being the bigoted insensitive twit.

Nice back handed insult - quit acting like a girl(and insult in your context) and complaining or bringing up insulting comments of others must make a woman act like a (girl - and in an insulting way.) And, then your, "back to coding is likely" an order since it followed the insult. Thanks for proving her point. I'm in

You're normal. I was the actual pillows when the cat throws up on them. That's about it. I've caught no diseases from doing this for decades.

Ha, My family had to deal with Comcast again last week - our cable keeps going off then coming back on a few hours later - we've complained for months. The customer service was so bad that they even flat out lied to my brother telling him they had no complaint line and they weren't allowed to get a manager for him. He