
The 2nd amendment has had many of these and the comma is negligible whether it was added later or not depending on your text book and having it added to school text books in the 1970's which I remember when it was a big deal on the news and the gun lobby paid text books to have added and I believe fought congress over

Wow, we can’t edit or delete after a few mins.

deleted duplicate post.

Correction - it was over a windows 2008 update that they snooped the author’s hotmail for. Not a 2010 pre-release.

Because they track all your surfing and tailor ads to you. They create a user profile that follows you forever for the purpose of selling to you later. Cortana reports back but so does internet expolorer. Howto geek has a wonderful article you can google on turning off at least 19 ways microsoft is literally spying on

Send your argument to Flint Michigan. Tell them everything is chemicals so get over it. I want a job shilling for the fast food industry.. No I don’t. I watched Super Size me and won’t walk in the place.

My experience is a frenemy is they are a fake friend - smiles at you on the outside and works against you with lies and setups in the office. I've already run into that. They aren't assets. As far as female rivalry, no. Women are way more underhanded and nasty than men. I know this because I am female. But hey, be a

Go to ebay and type in hidden camera clock. Awesome results way under $100. After the $40 range they get interesting.

I think I spent $20, if even that, about 3 years ago when I bought a key chain camera recorder to capture which employee was messing with my desk - things kept being way out of place and things were being stolen in my workplace. It was a crumby pic but it worked. I ended up giving it to my brother. It recorded inside

If you’re spending that much you may as well get a home surveillance system on Amazon. I went for the surveillance system and have had one for years. They’re cheap now. Of course I recently upgraded and spent a whopping $300 for a system with a terabyte drive and 8 cameras. I went with Zmodo. You can get a system with

You don’t have to do it daily and it doesn’t have to be something you ever let go. Just stick the journal out where you can see it and jot down even a sentence with a date on it, whenever you remember. You'll get used to adding more. But Entries don't have to be a page or half a page. They can be 3 words.

You might want to throw in books their reading, movies they watched recently, what they're currently into.

I taught my nieces to journal by showing them mine with all kinds of stuff taped/glued inside and pictures I made inside - movie tickets, pictures of clothes I liked from a magazine, drawings and poems - sometimes other people’s I taped in, often my own. Song lyrics for what I was into at the time. And most

I actually know what happened first hand. About 10 years ago during the recession it was reported that women had higher employment than men(even though they were very low paying jobs.) For several years after that, whenever the employment number was brought up males in charge of hiring kept being quoted in articles

I’ve read news stories where several people in an elevator died in a fall, several times over the years. This video says a snapped cable only happened once since the 1940’s but doesn’t mention that there have been deaths because the elevator just fell, many many times.

I was in an elevator fall 3 years ago and it only went down 3 floors and stopped. I didn’t know it was in free fall until it abruptly stopped with grinding sounds and some jerks and my organs were still upstairs catching up. The door opened and I could barely walk because of motion sickness. I normally don’t suffer

Yes but she is also funded by superpacts - for profit prisons being one of them. Bernie 2016.

If you own a house, your opinion would change. Nobody drives my car, but me. My mother has a story about how my grandfather let my uncle (his son) borrow his car for an afternoon and my uncle let his girlfriend drive it and she did a hit and run and the cops showed up to tell my grandfather about it because the

Don't hand over your keys, wait. If you’ve been drinking you should wait at least an hour without drinking before attempting to drive. And that’s if you’ve been drinking and barely feel it. I have waited that hour many times and it isn’t a big deal to sit there and socialize and drink water for an hour before you

Don't do that. My dad pulled that on me and regretted it a week later when I'd ruined the thing because I didn't get used to the clutch. Give her an automatic and get the car out of your name when you do.