
Your numbers are really bad. Lets just take high schools. There were 15,500 high schools in American in 2005. I’m not sure how many there are now. Now take how many high schools have school shootings. Now you’ll get your average chance and it sure as heck isn’t going to be in the millions. That goes for work places

Wonder how much each of them get paid for every post saying they got lucky!

They are probably paid shills.

I’m straight. I can say now we can see why so many straights are against gays - jealously.

Awesome research, thanks!

I annoyed my mom with my habit of rolling my eyes when I was in highschool - which resulted in being ordered to put on sunglasses so she didn’t have to see it. That went on for months. My niece also went through that phase and got the same treatment by my sister. So the age of 15 appears to be when you are supposed to

um. no. not the grey not the design. I’ll keep my picture background and my icons that I just click to get places. I would also say the clock colors are bad - blur together, and the dates on the right are bad - subliminally you’ll see a whole bunch of dates when you only need one. At least the main one is white, but

I can’t wait for the self driving cars.

Motion sickness is a physics event - it has to do with the fluid balance in the inner ear, not purely psychological. If you’re younger you can spin in a chair that spins, when you’re older you lose that ability because the fluid in the inner ear is no longer fluid enough to reset your balance instantly. It’s why

Oh yes, I forgot about that. I ran into it doing Genealogy at the Seattle Library back in the early 2000's. Those microfiche machines were awful.

My two siblings and I got sick on my dads boat when we were very young and he made us stay out there refusing to bring us to shore. He said it was because we'd never have sea sickness again after we'd gone though it - which we didn’t. I always appreciated that he did that.

Closing your eyes is not the worst thing you can do. After you close them, think about something other than moving and the motion sickness goes away. If you think of moving - ie swaying on a boat which is where most people get motion sickness, then you'll just keep yourself sick. Close your eyes and think of something

I always do those steps and still managed to accumulate a whole house full of stuff I don’t use. I bet I sent 20 boxes of books away this weekend. There was far more though, clothes from 20 years ago forward, computer equipment from the 90’s forward. etc. If I don't wear it or use it now, it goes.

I spent all 4th of July weekend filling boxes to donate to a thrift store and some to the dump - it was all gone by Monday. I’m lucky because I did a lot of de-cluttering last year and discovered that I’d never filled up those areas again. This time it was much easier even though I got rid of 4 times the stuff - stuff

Knowing you built it means you'll prefer it more, for years to come. I prefer all of my own self designed and built things.

Yeah but I wouldn't give up my patio for anything. I don't think they're more difficult. It depends what you do.

I’m employed now but when I was unemployed there were two positions that I interviewed twice for that are still not filled. Head hunters still find my inactive resume on job boards and ask if they can submit me for both those positions. I tell them, “no” I interviewed twice for each at each company, was a perfect fit

If they were way out of line - loud, unruly, or their kids were, I’m only going to ask the flight attendant if I can move. I don't expect people who are already being rude to not escalate their rudeness. That said, I’ve had to sit next to never stop talking sales men a few times and I put up with it but I sure didn’t

Good thread. Glad they mentioned that you don’t need dairy for vitamin D. Dairy should be avoided regardless if it isn’t organic. Remember the super cows that are bigger than anything every seen before because of the hormones? How about the chickens that are full size in 3 weeks instead of 6 from taking a hormone fat