
Yeah, funny enough, that’s exactly how I hoped a conversation like that would go and for some reason it seems like Cho decided to twist it around on the podcast for comedic purposes. Maybe there’s more to it than this, but right now Cho looks very bad.

OH SHIT! Tilda came with fucking receiptsssssssssss

“I am extremely shocked by these results.”

Awoo! Werewolves of Skyrim!

Same. The disease immunity is nice, though.

For all of Skyrim’s narrative faults, it still has better love stories than Twilight.

This is not the gaming company, and most likely a semi legitimate external company looking for data transfers like this (through isp) and in turn sending out letters to scare people into paying, ill put money on saying that the company that made this game isn’t even aware of the letter..... Here in Canada there is

“They only told me that if I didn’t comply, I would be liable for a fine of up to $5,000, and I could pay immediately by entering my credit card number.”

Couldn’t this sort of behavior simply be reported? Blizzard could then suspend or ban the offending players. Pretty sure sexual solicitation is not tolerated...

Based Kojima


Looks like your typical half-assed Comcast installation.

Silly man, this is the internet.

I’m never going to tell a person what they can or can’t like, but if one of my friends was like “Hey, I really love this picture of a little girl screaming as a bunch of eyes and maggots erupt out of her feet.” I’d probably feel a wee bit less safe around them.

Ehh, then again, I guess they'd be telling me. Maybe if I

1) No right is absolute

Dial it back a bit, Gandalf.


No, this is even dumber.