
As much as you don't want to hear it, even smart, talented people make poor decisions that sometimes end up killing them.

No tree-punching exercise? I am disappoint.

WTF? :|

I know...the babies are cute, too. :D

Half-Life 3 confirmed...?

Hey, that's not a half-bad gift if they're a college student.

Ahh yes, I've gotten one before from a family member. THANKS, I CAN FEEL MY SELF-ESTEEM RISING ALREADY.

I can't help but think of this:

I thought Sephiroth's sword was a Masamune...? MY LIFE IS A LIE. T_T

The playstation controller has always been so much more comfortable to hold than the xbox one, IMO. But then again, I have tiny little hands.

Yeah, ok, I glazed over that part. -_-

So wait, let me get this has to be recharged every four hours, yet my cellphone can go for a day or two without needing to be recharged?
Why not just make it WIRELESS and have an app that reads the information gathered by the tit-monitors?

Meatball slider with bacon cubes?

That's a very optimistic estimate.

That's a very optimistic estimate.

It'd be a damn miracle if it cost anything less than $800 =_=;

This is akin to being told the insides of your eyelids aren't pale enough. And to that I say:

He shouldn't be charged at all. Not in court, at least. If it were my kid, he'd be grounded, forced to learn how to balance a checkbook, and no allowance. If he wants ANY money, he's going to have to do household chores so he learns money doesn't come that easy. :|