
Frankenstein needs to teach these bitches to get along like they used to.

That's disgusting and awesome all at once! :D

Only if it came with matching woodgrain detailing.

Even though it was Superman saying it, I heard it in Ripley's voice. XD


"Threats" is not the word I would use here. He didn't threaten anyone, he just made a shitty insensitive joke, like 90% of the rest of the internet does on DAILY FRIGGIN' BASIS. :|

I haven't gotten to Fallout 1 & 2, but I have played 3 and NV, and I love both of them. The ending for 3 seemed a little rushed, but NV had a more polished feel to it...I also enjoyed having companions around to back me up during tougher combat situations (even if they did faint after a while.)

Well, good thing I halted auto-updates for the sake of my crappy internet connection. :D

Wow...I'm surprised this didn't happen here in the states. Then again, I guess we really don't have a monopoly on unhinged people. :/

Reminds me of the Headcrab plushies from Valve's site.

The grandma liked Hellsing?? :O DUDE. AWESOME GRANDMA.

From a designer's perspective, it's a thing of beauty.

Female character wearing little clothing = "THIS GAME IS OBJECTIFYING WOMEN"

Female character wearing normal clothing = "OMG HER CLOTHES ARE UGLY"

Speaking as a veteran gamer, let my opinion be perfectly clear...

Cool design. Looks like it won't overheat.

I think I'll stick with the cute little blocky-headed Steve.

For $15 more USD, you can probably get new attachments for those, too.


LOL, nice. XD

Needs a "DEAL WITH IT" caption. XD