Don’t hate the player ... If young (but legal) women wanna hit it, then god bless.
Don’t hate the player ... If young (but legal) women wanna hit it, then god bless.
1. They know a 19 year old with a history of mental illness and run-ins with the police was easily able to get an AR-15 thanks to the NRA and GOP.
I think going on rails seems to be his bigger problem.
I call shenanigans on this whole thing.
this is the correct home repair analogy
No matter how much better the picture taking could have been that is still one seriously sad plate of barbecue.
probably BY spiders too, to lull us into a false sense of security
Wow, strong opinion at the end there, calling the conclusion that this very site gave a B+ “disappointing.”
Wow, this is some bottom of the barrel content.
Yeah, this actually makes me feel better about the whole thing. Still a shame to lose Gillian Anderson, though.
Maybe it’s because I’m getting old, but I am a bit nonplussed by how nobody seems capable of just getting over shit anymore. These days, it seems, people need counseling and time to heal for every little infraction. Are people getting weaker or are the whiners getting louder? I have no idea.
I want to go to each of these fuckin’ crybabies’ houses individually and break one of their pinky fingers so they learn what it actually feels like when someone wrongs them.
I never ever want to watch this but now I want to know every single thing that happens in it
So how about those drone bombings?
alternative headline, “GQ Finally Gets Joke.”
Well said.
The work environment being toxic was an intended part of the show. It was never meant to make the audience feel comfortable.
When I saw the term “formicophilia,” I thought that it must be a fetish revolving around having sex on top of kitchen tables from the 1950s. Alas.
Maybe he was good at it off screen, like how Quint was good at fishing, just not in Jaws.
I laughed at the line in the trailer where Deckard is like “I had your job once. I was good at it” because, good god, dude, no you weren’t. You were absolutely terrible at blade running. The only blade you managed to run was that one poor stripper you murdered in cold blood who wasn’t hurting anybody. The rest of the…