

Never forget.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..... Wait. Valve knows what an approval process is, AND how to implement one?!?!?

I’d personally LOVE to have Madden on the Switch. The idea that they think players wouldn’t be interested in a portable version of a fully-featured game like that is pure lunacy to me. I mean, maybe they’re not, but 2K seems to be doing fine on the platform (and thank god for that; I buy it every year, and play the…

Sports games are a niche with poor mainstream appeal if you don’t already like that sport and are yearly iterative to boot.

I got it on Switch, and I love playing it there. I could play it on my Mac, but having it easily portable was a huge bonus for me, and enough to outweigh the issues with interface (and that didn’t much bother me, either).

That’s been the EA-Nintendo business plan for almost a decade now. Apparently whatever they did with that “unprecedented partnership” on the Wii U went really well.....

Translation: There aren’t enough rubes spending money on microtransactions, and the eShop doesn’t make impulse-buying EA Bux easy enough to part more suckers from their money on Switch, so we’re not interesting in investing further in it.

This is what you get with a hard salary cap: complete parity.

Same. After dealing with Pacman Jones and Vince Young, I knew Jameis would be a DISASTER in Tennessee. In fairness, Mariota has been injured enough to justify being considered Jake Locker 2.0, but that beats the hell out of suspensions for groping.

Lightning Layover (Kotaku)

This is a refreshing take, and one I appreciate! I mean, hey, I don’t buy the hype on VR, but to those who do, don’t be a jerk about it! You’ve modeled how to handle that balance quite nicely. I’m glad it has a dedicated fan base, and I hope they get the kinds of must-have experiences that start to drive folks on the…

Look, we get it, you’re obsessed with VR and you’re a 100% hardcore believer. That’s great. I’ve used VR multiple times, and I wasn’t impressed.... and I can’t be the only one. For it to take on beyond evangelists like yourself, it needs to convince the majority of people who play games that it’s better to strap a…

Explain to me how a sports game would be better in VR.

I see VR joining those technologies and motion controls in the same shallow grave.

I’ve heard that VR is THE NEXT BIG THING enough times that I can’t believe its moment will ever come. I think for it to supplant how we already play games, it needs to do it better.... And there’s, what, maybe 3 or so genres that VR can actually do better than standard screens? It’s a fine gimmick, and great for…

So, a studio that has only ever released mobile games, and a single console game with a metascore of 52, is making an MMO? I feel like Amazon Game Studios has cancelled more games than it’s ever released, and lost every big name they ever drew in throughout the process. I'll be stunned of this ever sees release and/or…

Absolutely! That's the kind of stuff that gave people like me false hope. I swear almost every other dang Dreamcast game has gotten an HD version in the past 20 years, but alas!

I’d riot if Skies of Arcadia wasn’t on here, but I’d argue that Grandia 2 deserves a spot on here as well!

Lest we forget Super Mario World, a repurposed and substantially enhanced Mario game for the SNES!