Triflers need not apply

I’m somewhere between a D and a DD depending on whether I’m in a “depressed and eating” or “depressed and not eating” phase of quarantine. I long ago discovered that underwires are torture and also I absolutely hate the feeling of my boob skin touching my chest skin so I do need SOMETHING on my boobs so when this all

If Sohla says he’s bad he’s dead to me. Never liked him in the first place.

I’ve been coldbrewing my coffee for years and now any coffee I brew that’s not my specific coldbrew style tastes sour to me. This is good information, perhaps I can find a way to fix things!

Are these not weed based? I saw those before and just assumed they were full of weed.

Butter your bread and fry it. Then turn those buttered fried sides into the inside parts of your grilled cheese and mayo and fry the outside. Extra? Yes. Unhealthy? Of course. Worth it? Every time.

Yeah I kind of rinse my pan if there are big bits, but any grease I just leave on there till next time. Maybe not super sanitary but I use the dang thing at least once every day and the season is *italian finger kiss*

I delayed my kid’s well child visit once, and the office delayed it again. By the time he gets his 8 year old visit done he’s gonna be 9.

Didn’t work for me, which is a bummer since I wanted a whole army of snapping turtles

You get this canvas that has been printed with the pattern and had glue applied. You “paint” by sticking the little resin “diamonds” onto the pattern in the spots where they are labeled.

I follow some of my favorite authors on Twitter. They will very frequently post discounted or free ebook promotions for their own books or books from authors they like. I’ve amassed quite a library of books for $1.99 and under through this.

I am hugely into handcrafting—I knit, crochet, spin, embroider, etc. But right now all I want is something to turn my brain off. I just started diamond painting, which much less like crafting and more like a puzzle or activity. It’s pretty and sparkly and satisfying. My evenings have gone from three or four alcohols

I’d been having some zombie outbreak / alien invasion dreams where I had to protect my son from this overwhelming and threatening oncoming presence which I had been attributing to COVID. But in the last week I’ve started having actual COVID dreams. Like one where I went to the mall, which had been turned into a local

This entire post is entirely an excuse for Tucci thirst and I am HERE FOR IT

I was confused about the memorial for Hal Willner. Why did the dudes all get to talk but the gals just sang? That was odd.

My mom sewed masks for my son and I and the straps were too short and they were poorly fitted and she got mad that I didn’t immediately put the one on my son without washing it first. HA. MOMS.

Maybe if we all save it they will be forced to send us more money.

Now playing

They take practice for sure and I had to redo a few in this. Here’s a handy video, I only wrap once but this is still good advice: