Triflers need not apply

I'd really like to know if there is any way to help these people too. Hell, I have a spare bedroom.

We used to sleep like that, but then he got the apnea and I spent a couple years trying not to murder him in his sleep. Now he has the cpap, so he's much nicer to be in bed with, but if we try to spoon it just blows cold air on my neck all night. No thanks.

Me too, though I use a beard trimmer.

Oh Jesus Christ that gif is me. And at work!

Wood/bamboo needles! Knitpicks has some really nice ones, but you can pick up some Clover Bamboo needles at whatever craft store you live by. So much lighter and less slippery!

Oh nitro, you beautiful thing. I gotta get some more tonight...

I get what he's saying. His saying that he couldn't find a way to parent his child without hitting him, and he knows more than me about parenting, therefore I will someday hit my child.

Well, thank you kindly for informing me that my child will have developmental stages. If it weren't for helpful little advice givers like you I would never have known being pregnant would make me feel uncomfortable, labor would hurt, I'd miss out on a bunch of sleep, and my whole life would change forever. Keep

I don't understand what you mean. Are you implying that when my son turns 3 I'll have to start hitting him to make him behave? What do I need to be careful about?

I give my two year old choices. He can choose between two shirts to wear today, or two foods to have at dinner, whether to go potty or wear a diaper, or between continuing his unwanted behavior or going to time out. I never just give an empty threat "Hey, stop that or else!" I tell him he can stop doing it by the time

I don't buy this for a second. To get an embryo in soup you need eggs in the soup, and I really don't think there are eggs in this soup. And that's even considering that the hens that lay eggs aren't really receiving gentleman callers from whom to generate embryos. It just looks like an ugly piece of meat with some

Guys, come on. Hospital births aren't evil and bad, they don't tie you to your back and slice your baby out while you aren't looking. I had a very nice delivery in a hospital attended by a CNM. I got to move around, no one pressured me into any drugs or interventions I didn't want. They were also very nice about

Makeup boxes? Meh. Food boxes? NOM! I get Treatsie and graze and they are a delight.

I do crafts—knitting, crocheting, needlework, darning socks, etc. My husband got me a spinning wheel for xmas and I've been spinning like a mad woman. I'll also do internetting or play a game on my phone, but mostly spinning.

All the feels. All of them.

No screenshot, but the moment I turned 30 I started getting ads for fertility clinics and egg and sperm donors. I guess 30 + married + childfree + woman = WHY CAN'T I CONCEIVE !?!?!?! I got adblock and had a baby without outside assistance, thanks very much.

I do a similar mix: