
Because if you can spend that much, you probably already own most of those.

This is how socialism finds work for everyone.

in the unedited video, they pull up to their favorite drive thru and get a brontosaurus steak.

I actually had a 1998 Prelude SH. I will say, after all the cars I have owned, this was definitely one of my favorites. I still miss that car:

I’m not sure how rooting for a company that was valued higher than GM for a significant period of time is “rooting for the underdog”. Root for Lotus if you want to root for the underdog.

Auto sales has no place for you and your math skills. :D

If you amortize the amount due at signing over the 24 month term, plus the taxes (7% of new car value here in GA), this is a $550/mo lease. $0.66 per mile, plus gas and insurance. Not a very good deal.

Make sure it’s engine oil you’re adding.

Not trying to be an a-hole, but a 5k discount (if I read that correctly) on a 2 year old but zero mileage car doesn’t seem like a super deal. I would have thought they’d be a lot cheaper.

Just like every radio controlled vehicle made over the last 40 years.

Just more scaremongering to increase a federal budget, restrict liberty of those not doing anything wrong, and eventually jail and persecute someone for buying an item (for which they have no ill intent).
Perhaps if our government didn’t look at

Now show us how he parked at the airport...

That old woman needs to change her ways.

Thanks to David and Brandon for making this weekend the greatest automotive experience of my life thus far. The Briarwood will always be the anchor of my future fleet of shit boxes and I owe it all to you guys.

Stupid never sleeps.

Of all the underdogs, this is the one I’m most happy to see win!

He wasn’t flying over people’s heads. He was flying over Petco Park during a Padres game.

Sometimes they just go out of control and fly away. There are a crap ton of stories when the A.R. Drones first came out about them losing connection with the controller and taking off. It’s not like these things are on a dedicated frequency, they run on the same one used by damn near everything wireless now a days.