
Basically, they make electricity with hydropower. They’re like 98% renewable.

It’s called subsidized labor, and it’s the core of every labor shortage going on right now. Wages so low for the job that the people doing it are only doing it because they’re being subsidized by some other external factor that isn’t in the control of the employer. A lot of people just said ‘fuck it, this isn’t worth

Mercedes announced Hamiltons wing was over the 85mm opening allotment my 0.2mm. Aka not enough to be the reason for their increase in straight line speed. Mercedes is obviously still developing their car till the end of the season.

“Sounding suspicious as hell”, “not trusting banks”, and “raising red flags for random internet commentators” is not, as far as I’m aware, any legal test for the seizure of assets.  

Seems silly to intentionally wreck a perfectly good car

I highly doubt that. Try to explain how 15 people died in an 8 people capacity SUV. Also the situation screams some type of human smuggling or bringing them to work the fields sort of speak.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I own a Tesla and a Chevy Bolt and there is no reason to think that Tesla is basing their pricing around Chevy’s. The cars are in a completely different league from each other. The Bolt has an adequate drivetrain but the interior is cheap and the ride is poor. The Bolt is an economy hatchback and Tesla makes luxury

And if Fords $500 gas cards had an expiration date on them that drivers failed to notice would you blame Ford or the driver?

This is hardly a thing at all and it was easily sorted out by adding a different credit card. The same thing could happen if you were driving a gas car and your card was cancelled for fraud (if

Often those gas cards and even visa/mc/amex “cash” cards that are given explicitly as rebates or promos also

“You can’t blame Seth for undertaking a trip with no working credit card”

You can’t blame Seth for undertaking a trip with no working credit card

Maybe I’m a piece of shit, but I think the HOA is being reasonable here. They have a policy regarding RVs in their community. The nurse and her husband chose to violate that policy without reaching out to the HOA in advance. HOA enforced their policy. Nurse and husband reached out to the HOA, which told them that they

The board can be swapped out. There are also people who will swap the memory chip on the board. It’s expensive, but not as expensive as scrapping the car.

Honestly, none of what you described even sounds like that petty of shit. Littering is something assholes and lazy pieces of human excrement do. 

I wished these systems were designed not to share the driving task for long periods of time, but to take it over completely for very short periods when the system has high confidence it is interpreting its environment properly, like in the I-90 scenario I described above.

Abandoning concern over things that are beyond your control is one of the core insights of Buddhism, and is central to the general modern concept of mindfulness. You see it quoted many ways, but Shantideva made the following point:

So he built a Ridgeline? 

I get your drift. 

He did say that he was going for a spin today.