
Haha, it’s like its your first time writing in the comments or something. You clearly can’t read complex sentences. Oh, and I’m sure you know how “most rapes happen”. Yes, show me the surveys and statistical data on how those happen.


Not showcasing her victim-hood because of the color of her skin? Not black enough!!

These are some of the dumbest fucking complaints I’ve ever encountered. Man, your fav cuban coffee shop got bought out? Fucking STRUGGLES man!

Oh Michael Harriot. I come on here just to read whatever racist insanity you’re spewing, and pity all the idiots in the comments who agree with you. From this article, you’re the kind of person who would prefer ghettos, high-crime, crappy schools, trashy corner stores, and crumbling infrastructure if only to retain

“touch ID on the back would be just fine” 

A testament to how retarded and skewed towards SJWs Gizmodo has become.

Obviously not, but if you can easily eliminate one of the more obvious situations... wouldn’t you? Take some kind (any kind?) of precautions? To be alone with a man is a risk - of course it is! How about minimizing that risk by: going out with a friend(s), staying in or near familiar places, getting to actually know

“He’s entitled to extra stuff because he said the magic feminist words, goddammit!”

You forgot “generic-looking, middle-class, right-handed, cis-gendered” mediocre white men of average height. Ughh, so, like, “not woke”.

Well, maybe this particular woman’s fault. She’s in an “open relationship”; is looking to hookup on the internet; and went back to a guy’s place who advertises himself as a sexual massage therapist and who she very obviously assessed was ‘horny”. So yeah, to this lady - have some fucking self respect, and if you’re

I love how the other, much more important issue is completely overlooked here - the modern standards of what qualifies for “dating”.

Slow clap for Lying Cat’s brilliant contribution.

Yeah, advertising yourself on dating apps and hooking up with completely random strangers from out of town - just totally “prey” and helpless and in no way contributed to your situation. Be an adult, take some responsibility, ANY level of responsibility would be nice.

Wow, so your solution is to just sleep with everyone in your life who feels entitled? Boss, coworkers, any guy you go on a date with. Must be a rough life not having any standards or boundaries or self-esteem. But somehow it’s “society’s” fault, right?

You prescribing any kind of personal responsibility is going to be translated by the insane lefties as misogynistic and victim-shaming. Wait for it...

Then stop meeting up with random from the internet on an app that is notoriously used for fucking strangers.

Yeah, people can be pressured into things like cutting class or running a red light. But if you are so spineless and your self esteem is so low that you convince yourself you have to put out because you’re afraid of disappointing a complete stranger — you need therapy and you shouldn’t be dating. You’re an adult, stop

BOOM. HEADSHOT. Glad someone had the stones to call out how hypocritical and pathetic this post actually is. Queue the cries of “But wait, it’s not MY fault, SOCIETY/MEN MADE ME THIS WAY”.

Way to bring a coherent argument to the table there, Robo. Europe is full of rapey assholes too? I bet Asia is too! And South America! Toxic masculinity EVERYWHERE. You’re retarded.