Hell yes! HATE CRIME.
Hell yes! HATE CRIME.
I'm looking towards dad too, because this shit clearly came from somewhere, and if that wasn't dad, well, let's just say it's pretty obvious he didn't have anyone modeling respect for women to him..
Riiiight, because doing something potentially without knowledge/consent/intention that changes someone's entire life is totally the same as helping two people who can't do something do what they've always wanted. Jesus h, what is with the fucked up apples to unicorns analogies around here today?!
Being pregnant is as analogous to masturbating as it is to eating a sandwich.
Her eyes could literally read "come hither" (hey, new special variety of coloured contacts?) and it wouldn't constitute consent. Consent has to be expressed through words and actions that say yes, I want to engage in this sexual activity. Being sexy is not consent. Looking at people is not consent. Flirting with…
It seems to me you've described bars. That's what waitresses are hired to do (another reason I'm really glad to not have to be one anymore, and really have a shit load of empathy for women who do that work).
No one gives two shits it was in a gallery. No amount of context can change what that text and image suggest. If the other images and captions are less awful, well then huzzah, they're less awful. That doesn't mean shit in this context. Rape joke defenders ought to look in mirrors, bro.
<internet hugs> hope the day brightens up, mama. It might be years before she's mature enough to understand all you've done for her, but she will!! - from a daughter of a single mom (with a lot of regret for what a brat I was sometimes)
If we were really "thinking of the children," we'd think, at some point, about protecting them from sexual assault, wouldn't we? ffs.
Figgitty fuck yo'self! <——all the response your bullshit warrants. This is about bodily autonomy, not validation, you poor, neglected attention fiend.
It's soooo not too late. Most of our generation is estimated to have 5 or so careers before we retire. I'm 31 and embarking on my second - and my first was great, too. Figuring out what to do with your life is disastrous. Figure out what to do next instead.
A couple of these almost made me cry. We really, really need to stop with the whole women aren't fulfilled/successful until they have kids thing so less of this happens, where women feel such horrible amounts of pressure to have kids. It's a wonderful thing to do IF YOU WANT TO, and only then. My heart goes out to…
^^ you must be so proud of your little rape joke, awwww.