
But it doesn't have the same source or cause, and it's not something we're causing, so you're barking up the wrong tree, and being a derailing asshat to boot.

Do. Fucking. Not.
Just don't.

It's no healthy way to live, except that if you are attacked and were not taking "precautions", you will be blamed. If you were alone, you will be blamed. If it was dark, you will be blamed.
...and, if we do manage to forget every now and then, there comes an aggressive street harasser or sexually harassing boss to

I'd love to not define myself by my sex, but it's my sex that keeps me from ever being safe in public if I'm alone, hence not something I can just "get over".

In order to function as a woman in the world, you have to walk around pretending you're not that vulnerable.

I don't think I thought anything about your gender.

I love 'em both.

OMG, these people are judged constantly on their looks, which are treated like public property for everyone to comment on, and, amazingly, they seem to spend some time actually engaged in trying to control how they look! I'm so shocked.

Awww, your use of trite stereotypes is so endearing... no wait, what's the word? Annoying. Yep, that'd be it. Based on this charming slice, I'm going to suggest that while she's in there, she is

Waiting in line for the toilet. Using said toilet. Pulling up tights/stockings/rearranging layer/retucking shirts. Waiting in line for the sink. Using said sink. Waiting in line for paper towel. Probably also waiting for a mirror at some point, because being out in public means people care about your lipstick

Yeah, but does he recognize the white supremacist, capitalist, colonialist nature of that patriarchal hegemony?

I think the real question is, if we all start acting like American Apparel has finally exist, will they mercifully disappear?

"Like American Apparel Ad: The Movie—long on the male gaze and short on female humanity"

She can do no wrong. Also, she looks amazing.

Amazing cyber space babe

Super hot, great colour, all around win.

Dear god no. She's stunning, why upholster her?!

Now give that nice ostrich back its wings, dear...

Love this. Sultry mermaid in full effect!

This looks like the result of some kind of sherbert factory meltdown.