
We have similar problems. Mine will even leave things on the bed - discarded clothes, clean laundry, his backpack... and just crawl right in under it. I do not understand this strange species.

I am so with you on the bed making. What I need is a way to bring Him in on the plan, as half the time, he's the last one out of bed. But oh the bed making, if nothing else for cutting down on bed grit due to 1) doing things in bed (napping, computing, eating) and tracking debris with you and 2) All Our Cats. And grit

Dying over her in these blues. Yum.

A-frickin-dorable. I don't care about the division of labour, whether or not this is a healthy preoccupation, or what might be in the paper dyes, this is damn cute, she looks happy, and thus this has made me happy. Take that, cynic-net!

You're an assault on the dignity of women.

Yep, I'd *happily* wear it.

Cheers, hope that bronze medal is enough to keep you warm at night while we send a victory polar vortex your way.
- a canuck

Context provides context!

Generally "flavour drops" - you can get ones that taste like everything from fruit to mint to tobacco.

Lots of her classmates are having their tuition paid by things that could be morally troubling - parents who are, say, the lawyers fighting Brockovich, or mining execs in companies that are murdering dissenting Peruvian workers, etc. etc. etc. and no one is asking them any questions. It's exactly non of the

Die already, you gross, ossifying dinosaur!!!
Between this and the women politicians article, I'm starting to think all women politicians should be issues flaming bastard swords with which to rain down hell fire. It's pretty much the only option when patience comes to an end, and dear god had my patience with this shit

Nope, fuck that shit. I have zero desire to have kids, and I'm likely going to end up in politics/high level public service. I'm telling them I'm unable to have children for medical reasons. I am so done with this bullshit being held against us. We might technically be people before the law, but these are the kinds of

By and large - "to replace the physical habit" or some crap, excepting if they are ordering nicotine drops online from the US or getting them somewhere that's selling them "under the counter" - though apparently there's been a crack down on that too. It's colossally stupid, too, as ecigs are way safer than regs, but

What the caution-tape low-slung belt is happening here?

This looks like some seriously bad green screen.

I mean, I know they are going for a tall thin thing here, but ott in my mind.

Yes, boot-sock combo, hell yes. You are amazing. Now, get over here! Mine!

Not ones with nicotine, those aren't approved up here.

This trend in media drives me absolutely batty. It's like the biology "teach the controversy" bullshit, like giving equal (or any, frankly) air time to climate change deniers. In my province right now, there has just been a big court ruling, and it's the second in a row to enshrine a pretty important precedent, and

Yes, definitely, but maybe sans racoon tail.