
Yeah, tell that single parent to go let those kids raise themselves. We’ve got to impress spiderseverywhere and friends with our grind-out-to-the-grave way of life.

Your core complaint is BL3's greatest strength imo. I wanted MORE BL, and this is it. More BL with improved mechanics, crazier guns and a new story. So far I am in hog heaven. I would have been pissed if they tried to change the core of the game too much. Its the only mad max style looter shooter. Making a more

You know that’s a lie and a bait and switch. Just give up your hand and I’ll lend you one...maybe. CA is one of the sole reasons emissions standards are where they are. In case you haven’t noticed we are kind of f’d in terms of tackling climate change in any meaningful way and you’re here arguing against the few steps

Nice fear-mongering petrochem bro

TLDR = ...but but but if we can’t do it all let’s do nothing. Blah blah why won’t the libs just let us own them?

Why did we bail out GM again?

Sounds like a type of cryptographic fyre fest

The difference here is that you can opt out of contributing to the surveillance network. Once you own a property, your opinion may change. Its kind of incredible how many weirdos there are out there these days stealing and vandalizing.

I guess you’ll have to stick to motels for your big crystal meth deals. 

Lately she attempted to steal 6 railroad ties off my driveway, claiming I was borrowing them from her... They’ve been sitting there for 15 years. She’s lived there 3. She also barks like a dog anytime we or the other neighbors are outside, or bangs pots and pans, while threatening to kill everyone’s animals. She also

In school, the pledge of allegiance always weirded me out. Especially the “under God” part.

I used BF for awhile but went back to Bygones. I run a pretty dad loadout and am a dad. Bygones, Jotunn, Play of the game or Roar of the bear

weird humblebrag 

If you’re getting trashed by Jotunn, I would think you’re probably an average player like me. Its easily avoided in a lot of engagements. I use it frequently because I like fusions, and it can work well. But in comp I have to take it off frequently because everyone is dodging it. Its also not easy to get, so I don’t

I’m not sure how to feel about this. I own both a ring and nest and they have been incredibly helpful. I have a crazy neighbor near a property and being able to share my cam with my non-crazy neighbors has been a huge help. I do understand the macro downsides though, and the cozy police relationship is getting

What a sad service and sad segment of the populace this caters too. I WILL read, but not THAT much. Isn’t the whole point of actually reading something to read it all? Its like Cliff’s notes but for pathetically easy to accomplish word counts. TLDR is fine for forums where people ramble on, but for reading scientific

Cuts into local revenue, which is sadly the purpose of most speed traps.

Going beyond the speed limit is incredibly safe if you are an alert driver in a capable car. You must be furious every time you drive because most everyone goes 5 over and does it safely. Inattentive/distracted driving is the real danger.  

A Trump-branded coal ash beverage is in the works and they need to keep it under wraps. “Patriot Powder drinkers will ‘own the libs’ in 2020,” according to the Chinese-made packaging.

HAHAHAHA, thank you