“The face of our essential workforce is overwhelming black...... “ I call BULLSHIT!!!!
“The face of our essential workforce is overwhelming black...... “ I call BULLSHIT!!!!
A personal favorite
Explosions :The loud killer (stole that from The Onion )
He is of the "silent generation" ( born 1945)...... Ironic,no???
Give the guy a break,you snotty little fuckstick....he ain’t even a Boomer,he’s a Silent generation -er. And, to a great part,he’s right.
In my old hometown(NYC) th vast,vast majority of physical assaults on Asian people have been carried out by African-American American..... Fuckin savages!!
From her Wikipedia page:
Just leave my girl Blake out of it
I feel obligated to my fellow readers to also post Weird Als parody.. Enjoy!
Sounds like the Crash test dummies
Dat right, brotha..... deflect,deflect,deflect!!!
Jeez haven't seen Sam Neill in years....he looks great,happy and healthy😄
, “in its result. The five boys, between 14 and 16 years old at the time, had been convicted of several rapes in Central Park with little evidence beyond a series of confessions, elicited after hours of interrogation”
Should be interesting