Antonio's blockhead

“The face of our essential workforce is overwhelming black...... “ I call BULLSHIT!!!!

I like it!!!

Explosions :The loud killer (stole that from The Onion )


He is of the "silent generation" ( born 1945)...... Ironic,no???

Now playing

Give the guy a break,you snotty little fuckstick....he ain’t even a Boomer,he’s a Silent generation -er. And, to a great part,he’s right.

In my old hometown(NYC) th vast,vast majority of physical assaults on Asian people have been carried out by African-American American..... Fuckin savages!!

From her Wikipedia page:

Just leave my girl Blake out of it

Now playing

I feel obligated to my fellow readers to also post Weird Als parody.. Enjoy!

Dat right, brotha..... deflect,deflect,deflect!!!


Jeez haven't seen Sam Neill in years....he looks great,happy and healthy😄

, “in its result. The five boys, between 14 and 16 years old at the time, had been convicted of several rapes in Central Park with little evidence beyond a series of confessions, elicited after hours of interrogation”

Should be interesting