Antonio's blockhead

After her execution,I image she was.....Black and crispy

Oh,good I can't unsee it!!!

Til.....that Jared Harris,of Chernobyl fame, is the son of Richard Harris


Spike Lee ---one of most overrated directors of all-time,or THE MOST OVERRATED DIRECTORS OF ALL TIMES???


Which has nothing to do with THIS story

How about all the black folk who stayed home?? They get a pass I reckon

In any time of national emergency,I have no doubt the wretched 13% will form a treasonous 5th column

Just remember ---Trebek was 50 years old and dating a 23 year old. CREEP

Sorry to disappoint,the Bessie Smith story is an urban legend

Jersey city was beautiful back in 1940,when it was 95% white----before the Black horde invaded.

Justins pitbull is a beauty!!!

People have caught on that "When they see us" is a big load of propaganda that should be flushed