Antonio's blockhead

100% he's the biggest man baby in the NBA and that's saying something. 

Actually it was totally normal at that time and place. That sucks, but its true. In poor rural southern communities women, I hesitate to even call them that, girls were usually married before 18 and often at 14 or 15. Thankfully we are more enlightened today, but it was perfectly normal then.

How wonderful we get to define for other Women what their lives were and weren’t. What a priviledge to make such decisions for other people we’ll never know or meet. Viva la agency!

Do we not wait anymore to see the movies before tacking them to the cross?

Indeed. No idea what a celebrity is to do these days when followers demand that you pick a side and then take issue with whichever side you’ve chosen, even if it’s simple the side of “don’t kill innocent civilians and children”.

I think “different time” means something slightly different in this context. I’m sure the vast majority of people thought this kind of relationship was messed up. But you definitely had people who married as teens or with a big age gap and thought it was normal. In Priscilla’s case her parents were probably born

People out here getting mad at Selena Gomez because she said “a post won’t change the world” need to save that energy for anything else.

If the moral majority decides you’re a victim and the person you love is an abuser, then it’s unquestionably true. Who else is a better judge of your life than someone who wasn’t there?

The Al Pacino baby thing makes me so uncomfortable. It looks like elder abuse. It looks like a planned scam to con him out of $30k per month. Ugh.

It’s great that he didn’t rape her repeatedly, but could we maybe aim a little higher? None of this behavior is OK in a respectful relationship of equals and maybe it’s a good thing to establish that and reset the current bar.

Or his repeated infidelity and problematic views towards women that were and still are characteristic of Evangelical Protestants. Equal rights unless you're the "weaker sex" indeed.

British bombers killed more German civilians than German bombers killed British civilians.

Or the two groups in the middle of it can figure it out. Why are we to be the judge of other groups’ actions when it comes to their own sovereignty? They don’t want a two-state solution (1 in 3 Israelis and 1 in 6 Palestinians support it acc to recent polling), they don’t want peace. They want to destroy the other,

Bibi’s “help Hamas to help Israel” strategy is well known. There’s no conspiracy or leaps in logic here. It’s been openly discussed in Israeli and Arab circles for years.

Schumer shared a (obviously old) video clip of Martin Luther King Jr.

This, if anything it’s her fault for not setting boundaries. And as an assistant her job is anything he needs it to be as long as it’s legal. 

That’s it over 11 years?

Spike Lee angrily tweets . . . something.

Yea I’m a fucking nazi

I was hoping he’d moved past his troubles. This is quite sad. R.I.P.