
Real time updating is not supported currently I don't believe. When you add new content just manually go into "settings," then into "search" and click "Update search index now." If you have a set time on the weekends to rip CDs and add them into your music folder, you can just set the updates at a specific time

I've been using hardware to do this very thing, and while effective, indeed creates a mess of wires, and still leaves things to be desired.

I had a spider outside that built a nice little web right where ants were trying to break into my house. He took care of that problem, and I gave him some other bugs on occasion. Great guy.

There is something nice about owning the physical media. But for my digital goodies, I'm a big fan of my Subsonic server. Nothing like Lossless streaming over the web to mobile or any computer with the ability to download and upload music anywhere. Now with the added video support, it's nothing short of astonishing.

My family consists of hardcore Mac users, and I myself am a Linux/Windows user (though I do have a few older Macs and use them enough to be familiar with them). Still, as much as I say "I don't uses ___ because I use Ubuntu as my main operating system." They continue to ask me.

I love the toothpaste bit. I am one of those folks who will squeeze every last drop, by whatever means, out of that tube. Never had I thought of using air pressure to do the work for me. Thanks.

I'll "gif" you a fist to the face if you try and correct me.

It honestly doesn't take too much time to keep things organized on a system, much like in a home. Just organize it from the start and maintain it. Simple as that. My music library from CD rips is well over 750GB, and while I may never listen to most of it a majority of the time it's extremely organized, every tag and

@NyQuilDreams: Really? I've never seen them. Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely check it out.

When a company makes a solid xbox 320 controller with the layout of a PS3 controller, I'll be sold. I cannot stand having that analogue sticks placed apart.

I went unlocked with a smart phone for about a month, but it simply wasn't cost efficient for me. I don't use a GPS, I always have preferred a map and compass. I don't need the internet on the go, I get by fine. When it comes to taking notes or trying to find something out, that's what my moleskine and pen is for. I

@Uncommon_Whore: Exactly, not to mention a lot of people hold off as they still recover from their massive holiday spending.

@ho0lee0h: The market is always changing, though if you're looking to get the newest models out there google Intel, AMD, nVidia, ATi product timetables. They're all pretty predictable, like Apple, so you know the times when to pick things up when the just come out. Even if you're not buying the new models, the older

The beginning of the year is the time to buy, the 2011 bike models usually come out in August and slowly make their ways to dealers by the end of the year, when the 2010 models start to go on clearance. You'll get the attention from the dealers (it's a slow time January), and you'll be saving some fair bit of cash on

@Clancycoop: Not a problem my friend. Just remember, that at the end of the day, no matter what anyone says, it only matters what sounds best to you. No sense paying hundreds of dollars on something that makes no noticeable difference to you.

@d_r_e: I disagree with the large power ratio, the are actually only 32ohm dynamic cans that don't require a very high power ratio, they are just extremely sensitive to the power input. Like Grados, you can easily drive them out of an iPod, but amping them brings them to their true potential.

Read the reviews, they're nothing short of hilarious.

@Clancycoop: Ahh, the apogee Duet is a fine piece of equipment from what I've heard, though I must admit I've no experience with it myself. Isn't that a dedicated pre-amp for input sources and as an amp for outside sources?

To be clear for people relating amps with volume of the phones, it's simply not so.