@the.thirst.mutilator: I agree, it's overkill for MOST phones, however for electrostatic or electet phones, this is a pretty nifty power amp. Thing is, most come with the converter boxes and it's cheaper to buy a used tube amp and use that in place.
@the.thirst.mutilator: I agree, it's overkill for MOST phones, however for electrostatic or electet phones, this is a pretty nifty power amp. Thing is, most come with the converter boxes and it's cheaper to buy a used tube amp and use that in place.
@create_faster: It's the CMOY amp build, it will cost you around $20-40 bucks depending on the parts you use and build it yourself. It's a wonderful weekend DYI project.
@OMGWTFBBL: Indeed, they have some well cut high resolution pictures.
I love your wallpapers, but I'm always going to use cuts from public domain black and white movies, as well as photos from the national archives.
@treytakahashi: Sorry for reply, trouble uploading picture.
Spend the extra sixty odd dollars and buy the true legend which this mic is modeled after. That my friends would be the Shure 55. And in my opinion is one of the best sounding dynamic microphones I've ever heard.
REI and Levenger: 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Simple as that. Reason being why I shop and love both retailers.
@Stevox: I agree the newest patches have updated iTunes to be something better, but in my opinion it's far behind the like of Media Monkey or Song Bird to name a few.
I'm still a fan of buying the CD. You can get great ones used at fractions of the cost of a digital album, then you just rip it to flac.
@taniquetil: Don't forget that Media Monkey is still Windows exclusive. Still an amazing program.
I work at REI and in our store at least we just cash out gift cards under $10. Also, member of the co-op can call HQ and have a lost card replaced, as we can look up the old card and purchases and void the card.
@mnerd: My sister had the same card, and was able to make purchases through Amazon and Mental_floss for Christmas gifts. At the store, one thing cashiers need to make sure they do when trying to take it as tender is enter the exact amount to be taken off the card, otherwise it gets rejected—every time.
@GitEmSteveDave: I've heard of him before from other blog posts, but I've never seen him featured on and DC shows. I'll definitely have to look for that, thanks for the tip.
You've to love the fine folks at DEF CON. He does make some great points about security and trying to recover your machine at the end.
I both loath gift cards and getting people what they want. It's about gifting something that they will love, something that they may not even realized they wanted or needed for that matter—something they will remember and cherish.
@bombastinator: Oh definitely, and that of course is what I was talking about. Haha, thanks for pointing that out for anyone who may have mistaken that.
Haha, don't forget the information about fill! Otherwise, this is a very good article for people who want to know more about the isolation. I work at REI and as I'll tell all my customers, nothing beats down for warmth and portability. Period.