
They are pretty sweet, and indeed they have the 4S ones in-stock again after the first batch fiasco. Finally received mine at the end of December. I love it.

They are pretty sweet, and indeed they have the 4S ones in-stock again after the first batch fiasco. Finally received mine at the end of December. I love it.

I have both the white and black iPhone 4S with me, and at full brightness, the yellow tint is pretty clear—in the white one. It's not so yellow it is detracting or even noticeable aside from a side by side test to another iPhone. It is just slightly warmer, and in contrast it makes the black iPhone 4S look like it has

All yesterday, since getting my phone in the morning, Siri only worked a few times. Today though, it seems to be working fine. Since it operates through Apple's servers, I suspect it has something to do with just a massive overload of people connecting to try it out.

Please do not be offensive. It is a question of execution rather then the implications. As it is read, it comes off as a common mistake of repeating oneself rather then a phrase with sarcastic undertones.

Understanding repetition to re-enforce an idea, it simply does not flow very well. It reads more like a mistake then intentional.

Try to board a flight wearing jeans, carrying your headphone amp fixed to a DAC and iPod with a high grade LOD, sporting an F-91W and of course carrying with you some cash stashed away for travel purposes. Oh that would be an experience.

I have three massive papers due (two tomorrow and one Thursday) of which I have barely touched. Procrastination is my motivation—the best creative work comes in at the final hour when there is not even time to proof read.

@riceman: Damn—beat me to it.

I'm in college and I had a teacher who thinks using a computer will instantly make everyone cheat or plagiarize.

Hey, I'm a young college student myself. The typewriter was rescued from the trash pile when Douglas County in northern Nevada was clearing out all the old store rooms. It was used as the main for the secretary to the Superintendent for almost 40 years before being replaced with a computer. Look at garage sales or

My Royal HH 54' is a beautiful machine. Sure typing is a hell of a lot more convenient, but when the fountain pens are stashed away a type writer can too bring a letter to life.

I just hope that AT&T keeps some of the unique aspects of T-Mobile such as the internet only plans as well as their very flexible non-contracted smartphone plans.

Understanding the point that is being driven, and the concern of many about offending those individuals with mental illness/handicaps. I believe that what many are trying to say is to change the wording to carry the same context, that is using something like "incompetent" which is the political correct way of saying

Indeed it is. Customer service is one of the most vital aspects of a company to retain its customers. If they disrespect you, why should you respect them by forking over more money to them? While it may be grossly inconvenient (so much so that you'd end up paying more money in some cases) it really is worth it.

In my backpack that I carry around with in most places save for a quick errand I have the following items that can fit inside a small bag of that size:

That's what I'm getting from everyone in the comments. Have you used it across multiple OS? I'm sure it takes some tinkering as it calls for three different clients of different developers.